1,首先,右键点击“计算机”,菜单栏选择“管理”。2,进入计算机管理界面后,展开左侧的“服务和应用程序”,鼠标点击“服务”下一步。3,找到“Windows search”并右键点击“属性”打开。4,将启动类型改为“禁用或手动”,点击“停止”按钮关闭服务,接着依次点击“应用——>确定”即可。
In this article, we will see how to disable the Search Indexing feature in Windows 10. It can be useful, if you have a fast SSD drive. Search results will always be up to date, because the OS won't use the search index database. Here is how it can be done. Advertisеment As ...
If reducing the indexed locations doesn’t greatly cut the Windows Search Indexer CPU utilization, you can also select to rebuild the index. Rebuilding the index can resolve numerous Windows Search issues, And this can seriously improve the performance of your Start Menu search box as well. This...
I need to make completely unsearchable in the start menu and on my computer. It's not about disabling the Search service (because then the application search works anyway), but completely depriving the user of the ability to search for programs and files
Windows 中的搜索索引通过在设备上创建文件及其属性的索引来提高搜索的速度和效率。 此索引允许 Windows 快速查找和检索所需的信息。 若要访问搜索索引设置,请转到 设置 > 隐私& 安全性 > 搜索Windows。转到搜索索引设置 选择电脑将搜索文件的位置 Windows 提供两种搜索索引模式:经典和增强。 经典:默认情况下,此模式...
https://www.tomshardware.com/how-to/disable-windows-web-search To summarize the article, first add a new Key called "Explorer" under HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Wndows, and then add a new 32 bit REG-DWORD called "DisableSearchBoxSuggestions" with a value of 1 under the ...
这将打开选项卡搜索框。 命令名称:tabSearch 默认绑定: 此命令当前未绑定在默认设置中。 JSON 复制 {"command": "tabSearch"} 打开特定的选项卡这会打开一个特定的选项卡,具体取决于索引。命令名称:switchToTab默认ID:JSON 复制 { "command": { "action": "switchToTab", "index": 0 }, "id": "...
Disable indexer backoff Do not allow web search Enable Indexing uncached Exchange Folders Enable Indexing of online delegate Mailboxes Enable Throttling Online Mailboxes Indexer data location Prevent adding UNC locations to index from Control Panel ...
Search Windows Client Active Directory Admin Development Application Management App-V Backup and Storage Certificates and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Group Policy High Availability Licensing and activation Networking Performance Printing Remote Desktop Services Setup, upgrades, and drivers Setup, ...