如需ISearchFolderItemFactory和 DB 資料夾資料源的詳細資訊,請參閱系結內容字串索引鍵中STR_PARSE_WITH_PROPERTIES常數的描述。 另請參閱關聯數位和IPropertySystem::GetPropertyDescriptionListFromString。 如需OLE DB 的相關信息,請參閱OLE DB 程式設計概觀。 如需 .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB 的詳細...
搭配下列方法來指出 ICondition::GetComparisonInfo中的作業, ICondition2::GetLeafConditionInfo、 IConditionFactory::MakeLeaf、 IConditionFactory2::CreateBooleanLeaf、 IConditionFactory2::CreateIntegerLeaf、 IConditionFactory2::MakeLeaf、 IConditionFactory2::CreateStringLeaf和IConditionGenerator::GenerateFor...
FIND [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] "string" [pathname(s)] Key "string" The text string to find (must be in quotes). [pathname] A drive/file(s) to search (wildcardsaccepted). /V Display all lines NOT containing the specified string. /C Count the number of lines containing the string....
(riid)] void** ppParseErrors); [local] HRESULT GetLexicalData([out, annotation("__deref_opt_out")] LPWSTR* ppszInputString, [out, annotation("__out_opt")] ITokenCollection** ppTokens, [out, annotation("__out_opt")] LCID* pLocale, [out, annotation("__out_opt")] IUnknown** ...
string[] directories = Directory.GetDirectories(directory); foreach(string d in directories) { RecurseDirectory(Path.Combine(d, search)); } } /// /// This is the actual thread procedure. This method runs in a background /// thread to scan directories. When finished, it simply exits...
For more information about ISearchFolderItemFactory and the DB folder data source, see the description of the STR_PARSE_WITH_PROPERTIES constant in Bind Context String Keys. See also Association Arrays and IPropertySystem::GetPropertyDescriptionListFromString. For information on OLE DB, see OLE DB ...
QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(); DateTimeOffset lastSearchTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(-1); // This is the conversion to Zulu time, which is used by the indexer string timeFilter = "System.Search.GatherTime:>=" + lastSearchTime.ToString("yyyy\\-M...
Each directory must be separated with a semicolon (;), for example dir1;dir2;dir3. /a:<colorattribute> Specifies color attributes with two hexadecimal digits. Type color/? for additional information. <string> Specifies the text to search for in filename. Required. [\<drive>:][<path>]...
Get-ChildItem-Path $item.FullName-File-ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|ForEach-Object{Process-File $_}}else{# 如果是文件,则直接处理 Process-File $item}}# 打印所有的CN值 $cnValues=$cnFileMap.Keys Write-Host"所有的 CN 值:"Write-Host"---"foreach($cnin$cnValues){Write-Host $cn}Write-Host"...