但是VS自带了一个命令行工具,名字就叫windows sdk 7.1 command prompt,发现其可以使用这些个命令。但是每次进去都要手动更改目录(使用CD命令,带上/d属性,具体参见帮助),在网上搜了下更改默认目录的方法如下:(参考链接:http://www.foolegg.com/how-to-change-the-default-path-of-command-prompt-cmd/) 打开注册表...
To open the Windows SDK Command Prompt window If you have the Windows SDK version 6.1 or later installed on your computer, you can use the Windows SDK Command Prompt (or CMD Shell) to run the tools: ClickStart, point toAll Programs, point toMicrosoft Windows SDK <version>, and then clic...
1. Open an SDK command window. 2. Typecd %MSSDK%\Setup . 3. Run VCIntegrate.exe. 4. From this point forward, command windows will now have the proper environment settings to build an application that takes advantage of the SDK.
You can, for example, take a peek at the manifest file for Word by using the manifest tool included with the Windows SDK using the following command: Copy mt -inputresource:"C:\ ... \WINWORD.EXE" -out:manifest.xml I’ve elided the full path to conserve space. If ...
Next, in a Windows Azure SDK command prompt (Start | All Programs | Windows Azure SDK v1.1 | Windows Azure SDK Command Prompt), run this command: Copy csrun /update:NNN;ServiceConfiguration.cscfg NNN is the Windows Azure deployment ID you found earli...
关于运行C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.Cmd,此脚本须在Visual Studio 2005 Command prompt命令行窗口中执行,设置的环境变量仅对当前编译的工程有效,本人一开始以为在windows的cmd窗口中执行可以设置系统环境变量,后来编译phonon backend的时候还是报错,找不到dshow.h文件,才知道要在当前编译...
另一種啟動殼層的方式是從 [開始] 功能表。 根據您已安裝的 Visual Studio 及任何其他 SDK 和工作負載,您可能會有多個命令提示字元。 Windows 11 選取[開始] ,然後在[在這裡輸入要搜尋的文字]對話方塊中,輸入developer command prompt或developer powershell。
You can use the -? option to get information on how to choose the platform that the command prompt will target and if needed, how to specify which Windows 10 SDK to use. This is a signature. Any samples given are not meant to have error checking or show best practices. They are me...
启动shell 的另一种方法是从“开始”菜单启动。 你可能会有多个命令提示符,具体取决于你安装的 Visual Studio 的版本及其他任何 SDK 和工作负载。 Windows 11 选择“开始” ,然后在“在此处键入以搜索”对话框中输入developer command prompt或developer powershell。
I realized that there were problems during the setting up of theDeveloper Command Prompt 2019. In fact, the path to.hand.libfiles located inside the Windows SDK were not included and the libraries not linked. I therefore tried to delete and reinstallVisual Studio, making sure...