Press the “Windows key + Minus” (-) key to zoom out. Each time you press the shortcut, the screen will zoom out more. For example, if you are zoomed in at 200%, pressing the shortcut once will reduce the zoom to 100%. However, it will not zoom out beyond 100%. Pinch to Z...
<SemanticZoom IsZoomOutButtonEnabled="bool" /> 屬性值 Boolean True 是表示 如果 ZoomedInView 顯示啟動 ZoomedOutView的按鈕;否則為 false。 預設值為 True。 備註 根據預設,當放大檢視為使用中並接收滑鼠或鍵盤輸入時, SemanticZoom 控制項會顯示按鈕,讓使用者可按一下以啟用縮小檢視。 若要隱藏此按鈕,請...
In the process of using ScriptPanel_2, there is a problem that has troubled me for a long time. That is, every time the window is zoomed in or out, the new - 14448430
click this icon to get a zoomed out view of your Start screen. In this view, if you right-click on a group of tiles you'll be given the option toname group, which can be useful if you have a group of related tiles (e.g. games). In this view, you can also click and drag ...
编辑 标识ZoomedOutView 依赖属性。 C# 复制 public static DependencyProperty ZoomedOutViewProperty { get; } 属性值 DependencyProperty ZoomedOutView 依赖属性的标识符。 适用于 产品版本 WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 18362, ...
Windows Store App 內容部分由 SemanticZoom XAML 標記組成,包含 ”放大 (Zoomed In) ”及 ”縮小 (Zoomed Out) 兩種不同的顯示狀態。Windows Phone 並不支援 Semantic Zoom,這意味著我們必須手動移植 ”放大 (Zoomed In) ”功能到 Windows Phone App 中。以下是 Windows Store App 的 ”放大 (Zoomed In) ”...
✅ pc screen is really zoomed and no fixes work:i was just playing my game casually yesterday evening and as i was changing the games resolution it put me on a white screen then booted me to home,...
You set these controls to the ZoomedInView and ZoomedOutView properties of the SemanticZoom.The user can switch between views with touch using the pinch-in and pinch-out gestures. By default, the zoomed-in view also shows a button that the user can press to activate the zoomed-out view....
}voidUpdateImageTransforms(){// If being zoomed out, set scalingdoubleinterpolatedScale =1+ InterpolationFactor * (zoomInScale -1); imageTransform.ScaleX = imageTransform.ScaleY = interpolatedScale;// Move transform center to screen centerimageTransform.TranslateX = ...
* ZoomedOutView - 缩小后的视图,概述数据 * IsZoomedInViewActive - ZoomedInView 是否为当前正在显示的视图 * CanChangeViews - 是否可在两个视图间切换 * IsZoomOutButtonEnabled - 是否显示用于切换视图的按钮 * ToggleActiveView() - 切换视图