Whether the host is configured for the pull mode or the push mode makes no difference for the command examples. The Agent Receiver tells the Agent Controller in which mode it should operate during registration. Now go to the host that is to be registered. Here you have to make a request ...
可在GitHub上免费下载CommandoVM。自述文件中列出了该发行版包含的全部工具。工具包括下面的这些 ActiveDirectoryToolsRemoteServerAdministrationTools(RSAT)SQL ServerCommandLineUtilitiesSysinternalsCommand&ControlCovenantPoshC2WMImplantWMIOpsDeveloperToolsDepGitGoJavaPython2Python3(default)VisualStudio2017BuildTools(Windows10...
scp -r director-on-local-machine username@machine-ip:path-to-directory or scp -r username@machine-ip:path-to-remote-directory path-to-directory That may be confusing sohere are some real examples. Copy a directory named "ssh-images" from Windows 10 to Linux starting on the Windows machine ...
2. Execute the wmic command to create a copy shadow of C: drive.C:\Users\Administrator>wmic shadowcopy call create Volume='C:\' Executing (Win32_ShadowCopy)->create() Method execution successful. Out Parameters: instance of __PARAMETERS { ReturnValue = 0; ShadowID = "{D8A11619-474F-...
sudo scp -r -P 7122 setup@ /home/setup 如果传输文件夹加上参数:-r 如果不是默认端口号20需要加上端口号:-P 7122 注意:“-P” 是大写的 二、远程备份文件rsync Rsync(remote synchronize) 是一个远程数据同步工具,可以使用“Rsync算法”同步本地和远程主机之间的文件。rs...
Windows LuckyStrike MetaTwin Metasploit Mr.Unikod3r’s RedTeamPowershellScripts NetshHelperBeacon Nishang Orca PSReflect PowerLurk PowerPriv PowerSploit PowerUpSQL PrivExchange RottenPotatoNG Ruler SharpClipHistory SharpExchangePriv SharpExec SpoolSample SharpSploit UACME impacket-examples-windows vssown ...
Some examples are WinScp (Windows), CyberDuck (Mac), Nautilus (Linux) and, when speaking about iDevices, iFunbox (Mac but no SSH client, Windows, you can manage to let it work on Linux too). I can't spend too many words on this, these programs are many but they work the same ...
Install a bash shell on your Windows machine that supports thescp(secure copy) andssh(remote sign in) commands. Two examples include: TheWindows Subsystem for Linux(Windows 10) The Git bash shell (https://git-scm.com/downloads) Open a bash session on Windows. ...
Looking for examples Powershell convertFrom-json where there are multiple arrays Looking to get SQLServer module on Powershell 4.0 Lookup Bitlocker recovery key with Key ID in Powershell? Loop based on user input mailNickname export Making a Powershell direct export to Excel "pretty" Making powersh...