.ServiceName = ".NET Joke Service"; }); LoggerProviderOptions.RegisterProviderOptions< EventLogSettings, EventLogLoggerProvider>(builder.Services); builder.Services.AddSingleton<JokeService>(); builder.Services.AddHostedService<WindowsBackgroundService>(); IHost host = builder.Build(); host.Run();...
RunDate 诊断数据运行开始的时间,以文件时间表示。 RunGeneralTel 指示是否已运行 generaltel.dll 组件。 Generaltel 收集不频繁计划上的其他诊断数据,并且只收集诊断数据级别高于“基本”的计算机上的遥测。 RunOnline 指示评估程序是否能够连接到 Windows 更新并使用最新的驱动程序覆盖范围信息做出决策。 RunResult 评...
While working on a Windows PC—generally—we never think or care about various types of services that constantly run in the background. Some of these services (processes) are absolutely necessary to power the important features and functions we use on a daily basis. But, some of these backgr...
publicsealedclassSiteVerifier:IBackgroundTask{publicasyncvoidRun(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance){ taskInstance.Canceled += TaskInstance_Canceled; BackgroundTaskDeferral deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();varmsg =awaitMeasureRequestTime(); ShowToast(msg); deferral.Complete(); }privateasyncTask<stri...
在新的 Windows 執行階段元件專案,您加入一個叫做 InventoryServiceTask 的新類別。應用程式服務是特殊的背景工作,因為如先前所示,您會想在背景執行而不會顯示 UI 這段程式碼。若要告知作業系統 InventoryServiceTask 是背景工作,您只需要實作 IBackgroundTask 介面。IBackgroundTa...
Running a Windows Application with Interactive Option as a Service or in Background Hello. I have been building a windows application that I can choose to run, interactively, where a form is displayed, or silently where the processing simply executes without any messa...
To restart the task, navigate toRun new task, enter “explorer.exe”, and clickOK. Restart Windows background services Several Windows services that run in the background can affect the Start menu. To restart a Windows background service: ...
Start Syncthing in the background as a windows service when your PC boots, before anyone logs on. Run on Session 0 to avoid accidental shutdowns, crashes and other failures.
Instead of running all your work on the main thread, you can run tasks by using background worker threads. For more information, seeSystem.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker. Define what occurs when the service is stopped Insert a line of code in theOnStopmethod that adds an entry to the event...
Instead of running all your work on the main thread, you can run tasks by using background worker threads. For more information, seeSystem.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker. Define what occurs when the service is stopped Insert a line of code in theOnStopmethod that adds an entry to the event...