os.remove 需要一个 文件路径,如果路径是一个 目录 则引发 OSError。 试试os.rmdir(folder+'New Folder') 哪个将: 删除(删除)目录路径。仅在目录为空时有效,否则会引发 OSError。 使用os.path.join 制作路径也更安全: os.path.join("c:\\", "temp", "new folder") 原文由 Aesthete 发布,翻译遵循 ...
Access denied, Please log in with administrator privileges and try again Location is not available, Access is denied Access Denied, You don’t have permission to access on this Server. How to delete a file or folder showing error Access is denied? To delete a file or folder showingAccess is...
C:\> rmdir /s /q <folder> Thermdircommand parameters used to force the deletion: If while trying to delete a folder you are getting the “Access is denied“, launch the CMD as an administrator, for this press the⊞ Winkeybutton to open the “Start” menu, type incmdto search for ...
errors,则忽略错误;否则,如果是恐怖的话 设置,调用它来处理带参数的错误(func, path,exc_info)其中func是os.listdir,os.remove或os.rmdir; path是导致它失败的那个函数的参数;和 exc_info是sys.exc_info()返回的元组。如果ignore_errors 是false,onerror是None,引发异常。输入...
但问题随之而来,Ext 2/3/4 分区格式并不被 Windows 支持,如果将移动硬盘取下后连接电脑将无法读取...
If you try to open Documents and Settings you get an "Access Denied" message. It does not exist, there is no such folder on your C: drive but it is needed for legacy software. An example: You want to installMicrosoft Office XPon your Windows 7. As Office XP was published for Windows...
、del /?和rmdir /?dir /?上空空间的详细信息。事件ID 13512事件ID=13512 Severity=Warning 文件复制服务检测到驱动器上启用了磁盘写入缓存,该驱动器包含计算机 %1 上的目录 %2。当驱动器的电源中断并且关键更新丢失时,文件复制服务可能无法恢复。事件ID 13513事件ID=13513 Severity=Error 计算机 %1 上的文件复制...
WSUS 3.0 installation package is available Fix Windows Update errors WUSA returns 0x5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED You can't install features in Windows Server 2012 R2 Error 0x800f0906 when you convert Server Core to GUI SystemInfo.exe doesn't display all installed updates Description of Windows Server...