windows中,vscode安装的时候忘记勾选右键启动,这时,可以通过修改注册表项来实现。 将修改文件存为一份注册表文件,命名为add_vscode_2_right_click.reg,内容如下: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 ; Open files [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\Open with VSCode] @="Open with VSCode" "Icon"="C:\\Users\...
Very nice – we are almost done. Double click on the vsCodeOpenFolder.reg file that you just created. Windows UAC (User Account Control) will launch and ask you if you want to allow this app to make changes to your PC. Go ahead and click OK so you can merge the registry code contai...
the "Open with code" action are applied on the account which install vscode. My main account is not the admin account that installed vscode Can you add a menu entry in vscode for setting the following actions for the current user that is running vscode and is not the installer account. "...
I'd like to have an option in my right click menu saying: Open in Visual Studio Code or Open in vscode Something like what visual studio has: I know you can add something like this yourself but its nicer to have if it comes as an option with vscode.vscode...
right click ON a folder;The"Icon"line canberemovedifyou don'twant the icon to appear[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\vscode]@="Open Folder as VS Code Project""Icon"="\"<vscode-install-dir>\\Code.exe\",0"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\vscode\command]@="\"<vscode-install-dir>\...
打开vscode,打开Command Palette (F1/ctrl+shift+P) ,输入"Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..." 并选中,选择"+ Add New SSH Host...",username@hostname 然后就可以通过密码远程连接,不过前提是两台电脑在同一个网络里。 3. 设置密钥管理 密钥对指的是由特定的身份验证协议使用的公钥和私钥文件。
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最近计划将之前的做的打印机无线扫描和无线打印功能好好整理一下,做一个集成插件部署到openwrt上,所以打算浅浅学一下go的web实现。经过百度以及考虑到后期前端需要使用Vue3开发,因此决定采用vscode作为开发IDE。 1. Vscode配置go开发环境 1.1 windows配置go环境 go环境的安装比较简单,这里不再过多赘述,不会的自行百度...
最近设备有些多,一一配置环境会麻烦无比,所以果断尝试了一下,局域网内用VSCode的Remote-ssh插件在Windows Open ssh服务器上远程编译。 第一台设备轻松愉快跑通,但第二台却莫名报错:no sshd parent proc 开个终端找找问题——ping一下是通的,终端内ssh连接也顺利连上——为什么终端能连上而VSCode连不上???
Windows10系统用VScode配置Microsoft R Open 1 下载VScode 2 下载MRO 3 配置VScode 3.1 安装radian 在终端下,键入下面代码,安装radian pip install -U radian 1. 如下图: 3.2 在安装R配件 3.3 安装插件R LSP 3.4 设置settings.json...