In the rare instance that you receive an error message that statesyour local print spooler service is not runningafter you install ZSB Printer Driver, follow the steps below to restart the Print Spooler service: Click the search box next to theStartbutton and type"services". Then, click on t...
此表格列出了 Sysprep 工具的不同选项,帮助你更好地理解每个选项的功能与适用场景。 系统准备工具 (Sysprep)是一种用于准备 Windows 操作系统的工具,通常用于在系统部署、迁移、或批量安装过程中清理和定制操作系统。你提到的一些选项和功能是 Sysprep 的关键组成部分,以下是对这些功能的详细描述: 详细描述: 系统清理...
1、创建批处理程序,判断服务是否启动,若未启动则启动之 @echo off Rem Lookforthe Print Spooler serviceinthe list of started services net start| find /i"Print Spooler"Remifnot found, start it and a restart occurred.if"%errorlevel%"=="1"( echo Service"Print Spooler"restarted at %time% on %...
To work around this issue, follow these steps on the print server, and then restart the Print Spooler service: Implement theDnsOnWireregistry value that's described in the following article: Error message when you try to connect to a printer by using an alias (CNAME) resourc...
the drivers that have registered WMI information to publish. If the service is turned off, clients cannot access the WMI information published by drivers. However, if the APIs detect that the service is not running, it will attempt to restart it.See alsoWindows Management Instrumentation (WMI)....
【 Service 】 【 Drivers 】 【 Image Hijacks 】 【 Known DLLs 】 0x05 计划任务 定时任务经常是病毒、后门、权限维持等恶意行为的常见操作对象,通过添加新的定时任务,启动恶意脚本、powershell或者其他命令行语句来达到权限维持或者扩散的目的 排查计划任务开始前,需要先开启计划任务记录,以防相关任务未记录导致...
Display name: Print Spooler Service name: Spooler Type: interact Path: %WinDir%\System32\spoolsv.exe Error control: normal Group: SpoolerGroup Object: LocalSystem Privileges: SeTcbPrivilege SeImpersonatePrivilege SeAuditPrivilege SeChangeNotifyPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeLoadDriverPrivilege...
(start还有boot,system两个值) Sample: SC CONFIG Spooler START= demand (打印机加载项,设置成手动,默认自动) 3) 查看系统服务:start %SystemRoot%\system32\services.msc /s 八、setlocal与变量延迟 0) 在没有开启变量延迟的情况下,某条命令行中的变量改变,必须到下一条命令才能体现。 另外例如for命令等,...
Many Skype for Business Server components run as standard Windows services; for example, the Conferencing Attendant application is actually a service named RTCCAA. If one of your Skype for Business Server services is currently stopped, you can restart that service by using the Start-CsWindows...
Replacewith the name of the service you want to restart. For example, to restart the Print Spooler service, type: Restart-Service -Name Spooler -PassThru This will restart the Print Spooler service on the local computer. Here,-Namespecifies the name of the service that you want to restart....