如果系统不能正常加载,则可以启动WinRE并从恢复选项中选择“命令提示符”。在WinRE的命令提示符下,该程序的工作目录为X:\windows \system32 \。因为systemreset.exe位于系统盘中,所以你应该输入“C:\windows \system32 \”。 注意:有时,WinRE中分配的磁盘号可能与普通系统下不同。所以你可以输入“diskpart”,然...
7. 确认重置 (Confirm Reset) 系统会显示一个确认页面,提醒你重置将删除的内容。确认无误后,点击“重置”按钮,系统将开始重置过程。 8. 等待重置完成 (Wait for Reset to Complete) 重置过程可能需要一些时间,系统会自动重启多次。在此期间,请耐心等待。 重置后的设置 (Post-Reset Setup) 重置完成后,系统将引导...
cd %windir%\system32\configren system.001ren software software.0012. 关闭命令提示符。当您在 Windows 恢复环境中时,选择继续启动您的 Windows。检查“重置电脑时出现问题”错误是否已修复。♦ 禁用和启用Reagent1. 在命令提示符窗口中一一键入以下命令。每一项都按回车键完成。
Note: If your device was upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11, resetting this device will prevent you from reverting to the previous operating system version. Note: Resetting your device will take a considerable amount of time. During the reset process, your screen may go black for an exten...
Select[Reset]⑧to start reinstalling Windows. Note: Please make sure that the AC adapter is connected during the reset process. Also, please do not force to shut down to prevent any issue. Back to Table of Contents Reset the system and remove everything ...
Note: If your device was upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11, resetting this device will prevent you from reverting to the previous operating system version. Note: Resetting your device will take a considerable amount of time. During the reset process, your screen may go black for an exten...
Note: If your device was upgraded from Windows 10 to Windows 11, resetting this device will prevent you from reverting to the previous operating system version. Note: Resetting your device will take a considerable amount of time. During the reset process, your screen may go black for an exten...
copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\sethc.exe 重启计算机,当出现登录界面时,按五次“Shift”键,会打开命令提示符,输入以下命令重置密码:net user 用户名 新密码 重置密码后,可以使用新密码登录 Windows 系统。请注意,该方法需要使用 Windows 10 系统安装盘或者其它启动盘。并且,重置...
A factory reset, also known as a system reset or PC reset, fundamentally changes your system in the following ways: Changes Made During Reset Removes all installed applications not included with Windows Returns all Windows settings to their original state ...
系统映像恢复(System Image Recovery) 功能:恢复通过 Windows 备份或第三方工具创建的完整系统映像,包括操作系统、应用程序和数据文件。 使用场景:当系统出现严重故障或文件丢失时,使用之前创建的备份映像进行恢复。 重置此电脑(Reset this PC) 功能:通过重置计算机,将 Windows 恢复到出厂设置,可以选择保留个人文件或彻底...