Let’s say you try to request a certificate from a Windows CA and get an error statingThe requested certificate template is not supported by this CA. In my case, the problem occurred when I tried to requesta TLS/SSL certificate to secure RDP connectionsusing myRDSH hosttemplate. When I t...
Request a certificate from a Windows Server 2003 CA using a PKCS #10 or PKCS #7 file Save a certificate request to a Windows Server 2003 CA in a PKCS #10 file Check on a pending certificate request to a Windows Server 2003 CA
在CA上为证书添加模板。导航到CA>Certificate Template>Manage,选择OCSP Response Signing,然后复制模板。查看新创建的模板的属性,然后单击Security选项卡。权限描述允许哪个实体请求使用该模板的证书,因此需要正确的权限。在本示例中,实体是在同一主机(TEST-CISCO\DC)上运行的OCSP服务,并且OCSP服务需要自动...
下载受信任的根 (CA) 证书。 导入受信任的根 (CA) 证书。 创建证书模板。 将模板添加到证书模板文件夹。 使用CertReq 命令行实用程序创建一个用于安装程序信息文件。 创建一个请求文件。 向CA 提交一个申请。 将证书导入的证书存储区。 将证书导入 Operations Manager 使用 MOMCertImport。
Submit an advanced certificate request via the Web to a Windows Server 2003 CA Request a certificate from a Windows Server 2003 CA using a PKCS #10 or PKCS #7 file Save a certificate request to a Windows Server 2003 CA in a PKCS #10 file Check on a pending certificate request to a Wi...
If you have a CA-signed user certificate or a smart card that contains one, and Windows trusts the root certificate, you can export the root certificate from Windows. If the issuer of the user certificate is an intermediate certificate authority, you can export that certificate....
This way, the private/public key are generated on the device and the certificate request is submitted to the CA (either via certreq.exe, the Certmgr console, or the /certsrv Web portal). If it needs a PEM format certificate, then you have to convert the certificate to a PEM file using...
CN = Contoso OneAD Root CA DC = contoso DC = com 第二個憑證具有單一主體名稱: CN = Contoso OneAD Root CA2 在此範例中,GPO 設定報表只會顯示第一個憑證。 遺漏第二個憑證。 原因 發生此問題的原因是 Windows 中的程式碼缺失。 狀態 此問題只會影響 GPO 設定報告。 驗證已成...
此命令使用 Request.inf 文件中的信息以 .inf 文件中 RequestType 值指定的格式创建请求。 创建请求时,将自动生成公钥和私钥对,然后将请求对象放入本地计算机上的注册请求存储中。 在命令提示符下,键入以下命令,然后按 Enter: 控制台 复制 certreq -submit certnew.req certnew.cer 此命令将证书请求提交到 CA。
Create a request file To create a request file to use with an enterprise CA On the computer hosting the Operations Manager feature for which you are requesting a certificate, clickStart, and then clickRun. In theRundialog box, typecmd, and then clickOK. ...