右键点击某个步骤(如“Install Operating System”之后),选择“Add” > “General” > “Run Command Line”。 配置“Run Command Line”步骤的属性,例如: Name:自定义步骤名称(例如“Configure Network Settings”)。 Command Line:输入命令行(例如netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static 1...
RENAME 重命名文件。REPLACE 替换文件。RMDIR 删除目录。SET 显示、设置或删除 Windows 环境变量。SETLOCAL 开始批文件中环境更改的本地化。SHIFT 更换批文件中可替换参数的位置。SORT 对输入进行分类。START 启动另一个窗口来运行指定的程序或命令。SUBST 将路径跟一个驱动器号关联。TIME 显示或设置系统时间。TITLE ...
ren Renames a file or directory. Internal rename Renames a file or directory. Internal rmdir Removes an empty directory. Internal robocopy A robust file copy command for the Windows command line. External route View and configure Windows network route tables. External runas Enables a user to run...
RenameRegex (RR) is a Windows command-line bulk file and directory renamer, using regular expressions. You can use it as a simple file renamer or with a complex regular expression for matching and replacement. See the Examples section for details. ...
OFF. If name completion is enabled with the/F:ONparameter and switch, the two control characters used areCtrl-Dfor directory name completion andCtrl-Ffor file name completion. User-specified settings take precedence over computer settings, and command-line options take precedence over registry ...
rename /ren 重命名文件/文件夹 ipconfig /all 获取ip地址 所在域 linux:ifconfig -a Route print 路由信息 Arp -a arp缓存 Netsh firewall show config 查看防火墙规则 Netsh firewall show state Netstat -an 获取端口信息 Whoami 当前用户权限 Hostname 主机名称 Set 环境变量 Query user 查看远程终端在线用...
at [//ComputerName] [{[ID] [/delete]|/delete [/yes]}] at [[//ComputerName] hours:minutes [/interactive] [{/every:date[,...]|/next:date[,...]}] command] 1. 2. 3. 参数 //computername 1. 指定远程计算机。如果省略该参数,则 at 计划本地计算机上的命令和程序。
Rename a subkey or a value The navigation area of Registry Editor displays folders. Each folder represents a predefined key on the local computer. When you access the registry of a remote computer, only two predefined keys appear: HKEY_USERS and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. ...
change the TrustedInstaller policy toAutomaticand restart the computer. If it doesn't work, start the computer to WinRE to revert the pending actions. For example,dism /Image:C:\ /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions. If it doesn't work either, start the computer to WinRE, rename\WinSxS\Pe...
Extract the .7z archive and rename the folder (that you extracted) to WSA Delete the .7z archive Move the newly extracted folder to a suitable location (Documents folder is a good choice), as you will need to keep the folder on your PC to use MagiskOnWSA [!NOTE] If you're updating...