PackageFullName : microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_17.6868.41201.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe InstallLocation : C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_17.6868.41201.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe IsFramework : False PackageFamilyName : microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps_8wekyb3d8bbwe Publish...
方法一: 推荐工具:Win10Apps(下载) 傻瓜式操作,一键卸载,一键重装。 方法二: 开始菜单-找到“Windows Power Shell”,右键“以管理员方式运行”. 删除当前账户所有应用:Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage 删除所有账户所有应用:Ge
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object {$ -notlike “*WindowsStore*”} | Where-Object {$ -notlike “*DesktopAppInstaller*”} | Remove-AppxPackage 1. -notlike switch is exactly like -ne ? 2. What are the names for these 3 apps, to include them in the condition: Fe...
1、首先,在电脑桌面上点击左下角的开始菜单,在依次选择打开所有应用—Windows PowerShell,在Windows PowerShell上单击右键,选择以管理员身份运行; 2、然后,在输入:Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage,在按回车键即可删除所有内置应用; 3、如果只想删除某个应用,只需输入对应命令,再按回车键即可删除。
如果想一次删除所有默认应用程序Apps 的话,可输入「Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage」。 输入 或 复制贴上指令,按下回车 就会执行动作。 每输入一次指令 按下回车 等它完成后 再继续下一个动作。 Windows 10 应用程序移除指令如下,可以按照个人需求移除不要的程序,基本上移除这些Apps不会造成任何...
How do I perform a "get-mailbox" for all users in an array? How do I place a variable in a string? with get-ADComputer -filter ... Check out my code and tell me what is wrong. How do I pull one specific line out of a Get-WinEvent Message field? How do I remove multiple ...
AppxPackage -allusers | 在PowerShell中foreach {Add-AppxPackage -register“$($ _。InstallLocation)appxmanifest.xml”-DisableDevelopmentMode},然后按Return键。 要重新安装单个应用程序,请在PowerShell中输入“Add-AppxPackage -register”C:Program FilesWindowsAppsPackageFullNameappxmanifest.xml“-DisableDevelopment...
Remove Apps Type and search [Installed apps] in the Windows search bar①, and then click [Open]②. Within the Installed apps, you can choose to filter by all drives or specific drives③, as well as sort apps by name, size, or date installed④. Otherwise, you can also type the ap...
macOS Mojave 尝鲜记,一文知晓 macOS 升级重装的正确姿势 引用和评论 推荐阅读 macOS Mojave 尝鲜记,一文知晓 macOS 升级重装的正确姿势 ingood阅读19.8k Easysearch 证书:Windows 上创建自签名证书的 7 种方法 极限实验室赞1阅读347 windows又一激活方式——TSforge ...
Press and hold (or right-click) on the program you want to remove and select Uninstall or Uninstall/Change. Then follow the directions on the screen. Need more help? If you can't find an app or program, try the tips in See all your apps in Windows ...