Alternatively, you can click on the left and right-hand dropdown menus and pick the keys from their selections. Please note that the shortcut to remap needs to start with amodifier key(e.g.,CTRLorSHIFT), but the target of the remapping does not. If you want to restrict the rebinding ...
CcRemapBcb 例程會額外對應緩衝區控制區塊 (BCB) 以透過執行其他對應和取消釘選的數個呼叫來保留它。 CcRepinBcb CcRepinBcb 例程會額外釘選緩衝區控制區塊 (BCB) 以防止後續呼叫 CcUnpinData 釋放它。 CcScheduleReadAhead CcScheduleReadAhead 例程會在快取的檔案上執行預先讀取(也稱為「延遲讀取」)。 CcSchedule...
remapkey在windows8下面无法修改注册表,可以用替代软件SharpKeys 最快的方法是修改注册表,可惜不会。
SharpKeys is a utility that manages a Registry key that allows Windows to remap one key to any other key. - randyrants/sharpkeys
CcRemapBcb CcRemapBcb 例程将缓冲区控制块(BCB)映射为额外的时间,以通过执行其他映射和取消固定的多个调用来保留它。 CcRepinBcb CcRepinBcb 例程额外固定缓冲区控制块(BCB),以防止其被后续调用 CcUnpinData 释放。 CcScheduleReadAhead CcScheduleReadAhead 例程对缓存的文件执行预读(也称为“延迟读取”。 不应直接...
OPLOCK_KEY_ECP_CONTEXT 結構可用來將 oplock 機碼附加至檔案。 此結構已過時供 Windows 8 和更新版本使用;篩選應該改用DUAL_OP_LOCK_KEY_ECP_CONTEXT。 語法 C++ 複製 typedef struct _OPLOCK_KEY_ECP_CONTEXT { GUID OplockKey; ULONG Reserved; } OPLOCK_KEY_ECP_CONTEXT, *POPLOCK_KEY_ECP_CONTEXT; 成...
Open the Remap Keys settings window by selecting Remap a key Open the Remap Shortcuts settings window by selecting Remap a shortcutRemapping keysTo remap a key, open the Remap Keyboard settings window with Remap a Key. When first opened, no predefined mappings will be displayed. Select Add ...
DRIVER_ADD_DEVICE callback function DRIVER_CANCEL callback function DRIVER_CONTROL callback function DRIVER_DISPATCH callback function DRIVER_INITIALIZE callback function DRIVER_LIST_CONTROL callback function DRIVER_OBJECT structure DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE enumeration DRIVER_STARTIO callback function DRIVER_UNLOAD...
Create an IRP with major function code IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL and minor function code IRP_MN_QUERY_DIRECTORY. No special access rights are required to query for this information. Support for file reference numbers and file object IDs is file system-specific: ...
Q: I have a new Microsoft keyboard with dedicated keys for Office and Emoji - can I remap those? A: Not with SharpKeys, as these are both triple-byte codes, but the Microsoft offers keyboard software that can change the function of these keys. Specifically for the Office key, there is...