reagentc /enable命令会尝试将C:\Windows\System32\Recovery\Winre.wim配置到恢复分区,并在BCD(Boot Configuration Data,启动设置数据)里写入相应的启动项。如果没有恢复分区,就将Winre.wim配置到系统分区(通常是C:)的\Recovery\WindowsRE\。如果System32\Recovery\没有Winre.wim... 配置好的恢复分区包括boot.sdi(...
Windows RE 指的是Windows Recovery Environment,也就是 Windows 恢复环境。你可以在这里进行很多系统之外的操作。相比于 PE 需要一个光盘或者 U 盘来承载,RE 是直接在你安装 Windows 8/8.1/10 时直接自带到机器硬盘上的。 第四步:进入 RE 环境的命令提示符 依次进入 疑难解答 -> 高级选项 -> 命令提示符 ->...
Steps to reinstall Windows with media. You can reinstall Windows when you are signed in to Windows (in-place upgrade), or from the Windows Recovery Environment (clean install). Select the option that best suits your needs: If you suspect that your device has been infected, make sure that ...
If not found, look for anotherWindows Recovery Environmententry (will have a different GUID) with Winre.wim at the correct location (thedeviceandosdeviceitems show the path for the Winre.wim file). The location can be a drive letter (as in the above example) or a volume reference (e.g...
Windows 映像 (install.wim)。 这可以是来自 Windows 安装媒体,也可以来自参考映像。 步骤1:装载 Windows 和 Windows RE 映像 装载映像 以管理员身份打开命令提示符。 装载Windows 基本映像进行编辑。 装载Windows RE 映像进行编辑。 备注 Windows RE 映像的索引号应始终为 1。
对于main作系统文件中的每个 Windows 版本,都会重复此过程。 为了减小大小,将保存第一个映像中的服务 Winre.wim 文件,并用于更新每个后续 Windows 版本。 这会减小 install.wim 的最终大小。 PowerShell复制 ## Update each main OS Windows image including the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE)## Get the ...
Boot and install Windows Modify an image Capture and apply an image Customize Localize Optimize Windows recovery Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) overview Customize Windows RE Add a custom tool to the Windows RE Advanced startup menu...
或者如果您的电脑上有Install.esd文件的话,也可以解压该文件,然后将里面的Winre.wim文件放到正确位置。然后再使用reagentc /setreimage /path C:\Recovery\WindowsRE命令将WinRE.wim配置为系统默认恢复环境启动映像即可修复Win11、Win10找不到恢复环境问题。
Recovery Environment (WinRE), introduced by Microsoft in Windows Vista ® , is also part of Windows Server ® 2008. WinRE is a customized version of Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE), the environment Microsoft uses to install Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. Here is Microsoft’...
Windows Recovery Environment (Windows RE) is a recovery environment that can repair common causes of unbootable operating systems. Windows RE is based on Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE), and can be customized with additional drivers, languages, Windows PE Optional Components, and ...