同Winsock1相比,最明显的就是支持了Raw Socket套接字类型,通过原始套接字,我们可以更加自如地控制Windows下的多种协议,而且能够对网络底层的传输机制进行控制。 1、创建一个原始套接字,并设置IP头选项。 SOCKET sock; sock = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,IPPROTO_IP); 或者: s = WSASoccket(AF_INET,SOCK_RAW,...
unsigned char h_lenver; //4 位首部长度+4 位IP 版本号 Wi ndows 2000下的Raw Socket编程Windows 2000下的Raw Socket编程Windows2000在TCP/I P协议组件上做了很多改进,功能也有增强。比如在协议栈上的调整,增大了默认窗口大小,以及高延迟链接新算法。同时在安全性上,可 ...
最后去msdn上查找raw socket时,找到了下面的描述(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms740548%28v=vs.85%29.aspx): Limitations on Raw Sockets On Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows XP with Service Pack 3 (SP3), the ability to...
可以用它来发送和接收 IP 层以上的原始数据包, 如 ICMP, TCP, UDP...int sockRaw = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);这样我们就创建了一个 Raw Socket Sniffer: 嗅探器 关于嗅探器的原理我想大多数人可能都知道 1. 把网卡置于混杂模式;2. 捕获数据包;3. 分析数据包.但具体的实现知...
Raw Sockets 11Part 6 What do we have in this chapter 11 part 6? Program Examples: The UDP RAW Socket (continue) Add the iphdr.h header file to the project. Add the following source code. // Sample: Header definitions for raw UDP sample (IP_HDRINCL option) ...
Raw Socket: 原始套接字 可以用它来发送和接收 IP 层以上的原始数据包, 如 ICMP, TCP, UDP... int sockRaw = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW); 这样我们就创建了一个 Raw Socket Sniffer: 嗅探器 关于嗅探器的原理我想大多数人可能都知道 1. 把网卡置于混杂模式; 2. 捕获数据包; 3...
printf("\tSocket type: "); switch(ptr->ai_socktype) { case0: printf("Unspecified\n"); break; caseSOCK_STREAM: printf("SOCK_STREAM (stream)\n"); break; caseSOCK_DGRAM: printf("SOCK_DGRAM (datagram) \n"); break; caseSOCK_RAW: ...
raw-socket-sniffer.exe capture.cap Replace127.0.0.1with an IP address from the network interface for which packets should be captured, and the filecapture.capwith the name of the file to which to write packets. If the Windows Firewall is enabled it will likely require an update to...
So again, DwarFS used less raw CPU power overall, but in terms of wallclock time, the difference is really marginal. With SquashFS & xz This test uses slightly less pathological input data: the root filesystem of a recent Raspberry Pi OS release. This file system also contains device inodes...
For information on Windows Sockets, including an explanation of the socket concept, see Windows Sockets: Background.Sockets Programming ModelsThe two MFC Windows Sockets programming models are supported by the following classes:CAsyncSocket This class encapsulates the Windows Sockets API. CAsyncSocket is ...