2.Windows开始菜单的启动文件夹,有几种方法打开它,比如win+R键入shell:startup后回车,比如在文件资源管理器里输入C:\Users\你的用户名\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup(记得把用户名改成你电脑的当前用户名)。在这个文件夹下放进去你想要开机自启的快捷方式(可执行文件一般是exe),...
Once on the Add a New Phone menu, search the phone type drop down for the Cisco Unifed Client Services Framework device type. Once selected, click Next.The table (Table 1.0) contains all the fields that must be configured to set up a Cisco Unified Client Services Framewor...
当软件“钉”在开始菜单或任务栏后,系统会在"%appdata%\microsoft\internet explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned"下的"StartMenu"和"TaskBar"目录内创建软件的链接。我们只要看这两个目录下分别有哪些有效链接就可以知道开始菜单和任务栏分别钉有哪些软件。对于每一个链接,我们可以知道它链接了那个程序,然后在目标系统...
The Windows Start menu is a key feature of the operating system, providing quick access to your apps, settings, and files. It includes a powerful search function and allows you to pin your favorite apps, folders, and websites for easy access. Customization options let you organize your pins...
microsoft.windows.immersivecontrolpanel" }, { "desktopAppLink": "%APPDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\File Explorer.lnk" }, { "desktopAppLink": "%APPDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Windows PowerShell\\Windows PowerShell.lnk" }, { "packagedAppId": "...
Export-StartLayout-Path"C:\Layouts\LayoutModification.json" “开始”菜单布局示例 可在此处找到一个“开始”菜单布局示例,可将其用作参考: JSON {"pinnedList": [ {"desktopAppLink":"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Microsoft Edge.lnk"}, {"packagedAppId":"wind...
microsoft.windows.immersivecontrolpanel" }, { "desktopAppLink": "%APPDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\File Explorer.lnk" }, { "desktopAppLink": "%APPDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Windows PowerShell\\Windows PowerShell.lnk" }, { "packagedAppId": "...
Export-StartLayout-Path"C:\Layouts\LayoutModification.json" “开始”菜单布局示例 可在此处找到一个“开始”菜单布局示例,可将其用作参考: JSON {"pinnedList": [ {"desktopAppLink":"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Microsoft Edge.lnk"}, {"packagedAppId":"windows.immersiv...
you get the share option in the Details pane. On top of this, Microsoft is also planning to introduce a new feature that will allow quick sharing of local files that appear in theRecommendedsection in the Start menu. To share it, all you've to do is right-click the file and then ...
Live Tile⑧: You can add programs or files to the Start menu, and also get the real-time information via Live Tile. Therefore, you can use apps for quick access. If you want to remove apps from Live Tile on the right side, right-click the app you want to remove, then select Unpi...