The result is, from the application's perspective, equivalent to the -opengl desktop build configuration of Qt. 在项目的.pro文件中添加: win32-g++ { LIBS += -lopengl32 } win32-msvc*{ LIBS += opengl32.lib } 编译成功。有用 回复 tv...
QT += opengl 这是因为直接调用了OpenGL的函数,需要在pro中增加以下库引用: win32-g++ { LIBS += -lopengl32 -lglu32 -glmf32 } win32-msvc*{ LIBS += opengl32.lib glu32.lib glmf32.lib } qt建议使用:QOpenGLFunctions. 出现error: undefined reference to `gluLookAt@72' 这个是缺 -lglu32 mai...
所以我们需要在Qt OpenGL头文件之前引入glew头文件。否则Qt会报错。 #ifndefCCOPENGLWIDGET_H#defineCCOPENGLWIDGET_H#include<GL/glew.h>#include<QOpenGLWidget>#include<QTimer>#include<QMatrix4x4>classCCOpenGLWidget:publicQOpenGLWidget{Q_OBJECTpublic:explicitCCOpenGLWidget(QWidget*parent=0);virtual~CCOpenGL...
I am trying to run the osgearth_qt_windows example on the 3.0 brunch, but I got many errors (same code work on 2.10). here are the errors: Windows Error #2000: Win32WindowingSystem::OpenGLContext() - Unable to restore current OpenGL rendering context. Reason: The pixel format is invali...
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 // Qt5 is currently crashing and reporting "Cannot make QOpenGLContext current in a different thread" when the viewer is run multi-threaded, this is regression from Qt4 osgViewer::ViewerBase::ThreadingModel threadingModel = ...
Re: 一步一步分享在Windows QtCreator/Mingw平台编译运行调试LittleVGL qt会检测到后装的mingw,用这个编译会有一个警告,但是也能运行。 main.c: In function 'SDL_main':main.c:59:9: warning: 'usleep' is deprecated [-Wdeprecated-declarations] usleep(1000); /*Just to let the system breath*/ ^~~...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于windows编译qt opengl es2的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及windows编译qt opengl es2问答内容。更多windows编译qt opengl es2相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
windows编译qt opengl es2 一般来说在程序编译的中,无论是C、C++,首先要把源文件编译成中间代码文件,在Windows下是 .obj 文件(UNIX下是 .o 文件),即 Object File,这个动作叫做编译(compile)。然后再把大量的Object File合成执行文件,这个动作叫作链接(link)。
error: building qtdeclarative:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED error: Please ensure you're using the latest port files with git pull and vcpkg update. Then check for known issues at: