本文要讲解的是Qt 静态编译,Qt中默认的应该是动态编译,那么本文就浅淡的介绍一下静态编译,先来看内容...
accwiz.exe -> 辅助工具向导 acsetups.exe -> acs setup dcom server executable actmovie.exe -> 直接显示安装工具 append.exe -> 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据 arp.exe -> 显示和更改计算机的ip与硬件物理地址的对应列表 at.exe -> 计划运行任务 atmadm.exe -> 调用管理器统计 attrib.exe -...
windows lupdate.exe将pro文件翻译,报WARNING: Counld not find qmake spec 'default'. 不知道为啥qt的bin文件下有一个0k的qmake文件,修改时间是当天的时间,删除后翻译成功
D:/work/github/vcpkg/buildtrees/qt5-imageformats/src/5.15.2-bdc20f8631.clean/.qmake.conf:1: Cannot find feature qt_build_config Could not find qmake spec 'win32-msvc'. Error processing project file: D:\work\github\vcpkg\buildtrees\qt5-imageformats\src\5.15.2-bdc20f8631.clean\qtimage...
SET QTDIR=C:\Programs\Qt\%QTVER%-x64 SET PATH=%QTDIR%\bin;%PATH% SET QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2010 Thecolorcommand is optional, it gets rid of the green colour which was set by the scriptSetEnv.Cmd. Now we need to run theconfigure.batscript from5.6.3-src. VB does not use most of ...
C:\Qt\5.10.0\winrt_x86_msvc2015\bin\qmake.exe -spec win32-msvc -tp vc => Following files have been created: .qmake.stash LeoCAD.vcxproj LeoCAD.vcxproj.filters Step 4) Afterwards I opened LeoCAD.vcxproj in VS2015 and started a build. I gat 732 error messages staring with following ...
gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.media-keys screenshot '[]' Go to Settings > Device > Keyboard and press the '+' button at the bottom. Name the command as you like it, e.g. flameshot. And in the command insert /usr/bin/flameshot gui. Then click "Set Shortcut.." ...
CMake has been installed. Qt (5.9 ~ 5.15) have been installed. For details please refer to Getting Started with Qt. External devices that support audio and video functions such as microphones and cameras are normal.The Linux RTC SDK only supports custom video rendering, and does not support ...
Warning: before compiling anything on Windows I strongly advice you to disable any running Antivirus. Not only the compilation is considerably slowed down by an antivirus, but it can also causes a lot of unespected problems. As an example the configure command failing immediately after the mess...