修复Windows 11 中用户配置文件中缺少桌面文件夹 “我的C盘用户文件夹下突然没有桌面文件夹了,有人知道如何修复这个bug吗?”桌面文件夹用于存储用户可以轻松访问的文件和应用程序。但是,Windows 11/10 上的错误可能会导致桌面文件夹丢失。此错误通常是由软件问题引起的。本指南解释了如何快速修复它。 第1 部分:Window...
在修復Windows 11/10桌面圖示遺失錯誤之前,我們先來談談桌面資料夾儲存在電腦上的位置。您可以透過多種方式在 Windows 11/10 上找到桌面資料夾。 首先,開啟檔案總管,點選主頁or快速訪問左側欄上的選項卡,您將看到桌面夾。 點擊桌面資料夾,您將看到所有桌面圖示。 另外,桌面資料夾儲存在C:\用戶\公共. 你可以打開...
The Users folder in C drive contains a home folder and a Public folder. The home folder has the same name as yourusernameand generally contains Downloads, Documents, Desktop, Pictures, Music, etc. The Public folder can be used to share files with other people who use the same computer or...
then the folder where the desktop of the correct account was stored will also be removed. So you can check and switch back to the correct account to confirm if the folder is missing from the Windows 10 or 11 desktop.
shell:Common Desktop shell:AppDataProgramData shell:SyncSetupFolder shell:Local Documents shell:Local AppData shell:CredentialManager shell:AppDataDesktop shell:Common Templates shell:PublicGameTasks shell:Common Programs shell:UsersLibrariesFolder shell:Links ...
Here you are going to find all your missing files. Further, you can also try the other way for which steps are given below: Go to ‘This PC’. Then double tap on ‘Local Disk C‘. Then click on the ‘Users’ folder. And finally on the ‘Public’ folder. ...
Get-Windowsfeature missing??? Get-windowsupdatelog contains lot of errors Get-WindowsUpdateLog searches for SymSrv.dll in x86 Get-WindowsUpdateLog still not working Getting all Windows 10 desktop icons to appear in 'users' desktop folder Getting UAC prompt when opening taskmgr.exe Ghost folder On...
It is likely that this affected your account; to be more precise, you are in the new account that was created during the system update and which became the default account. Yes, this is not a good thing, but it is easily fixed. To find a desktop folder that is missing in Windows 10...
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Infrastructure: A Microsoft solution area focused on providing organizations with a cloud solution that supports their real-world needs and meets evolving ...
To improve our search indexing, we created a new feature that enables Windows to search all your folders and drives, instead of limiting search to your documents, pictures, videos, and desktop by default. To turn it on, search for Windows search settings, and in the Searching Windows ...