為了確保您在防火牆或 Proxy 伺服器後方使用 Visual 或 Azure 服務時,有權存取所需的一切,以下是您應該新增至允許清單的 URL,以及您可能想要開啟的連接埠和通訊協定。 展開資料表 服務或案例DNS 端點通訊協定/連接埠描述 URL解析 go.microsoft.comaka.ms 用來縮短 URL,其將會進一步解析為較長的 URL ...
Proxyms-settings:network-proxy VPNms-settings:network-vpn Wi-Fims-settings:network-wifi (僅當設備有 WiFi 適配器時可用) Wi-Fi 佈建ms-settings:wifi-provisioning 個人化 展開表格 設定頁面URI 背景ms-settings:personalization-background 選擇要顯示在開始上的資料夾ms-settings:personalization-start-places ...
代理ms-settings:network-proxy VPNms-settings:network-vpn WLANms-settings:network-wifi(仅当设备具有 wifi 适配器时才可用) Wi-Fi 预配ms-settings:wifi-provisioning 个性化 “设置”页面URI 背景ms-settings:personalization-background 选择哪些文件夹显示于“开始”屏幕ms-settings:personalization-start-places ...
void App::OnLaunched( Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation::LaunchActivatedEventArgs^ pArgs) { ... // Create a Frame to act navigation context and navigate to the first page auto rootFrame = ref new Frame(); if (!rootFrame->Navigate(TypeName(MainPage::typeid))) { throw ref new Failure...
Plus, if you want to redirect your VPN traffic through a secondary location, you can configure a SOCKS5 proxy without having to resort to a separate software application. These are two aspects that make Express stand out becauseWindows 10 doesn’t natively support SOCKS5. ...
Goal: Install and configure remote access for OWA.On WAP1, from server manager, we will install the Remote Access role.Once you click Web Application Proxy, it will ask if you want to automatically add features, go ahead and leave the defaults and continue....
The Forefront TMG Web proxy works at the application level on behalf of a client requesting an Internet object retrievable through one of theprotocolssupported by the filter:HTTP, HTTPS, andFTP(download requests). The Web proxy protects all Web browser access. The Web proxy operates with aWeb...
While opening Microsoft Store, if you see an error message sayingYour PC isn’t connected to the Internet, To use the Store, connect to the Internet and then try again, you might need to enable or configure a proxy server for UWP or Microsoft Store apps in Windows 11/10. If the defaul...
Configure network proxy (IP-Literal Addresses) for Application Guard: Application Guard requires proxies to have a symbolic name, not just an IP address. IP-Literal proxy settings such as can be annotated asitproxy:81or using a record such asP19216810010for...
Web 应用程序代理无法使用 cmdletGet-WebApplicationProxyConfiguration/Application访问 Web 应用程序代理配置。 这是由于缺少与 AD FS 的连接,或者需要与 AD FS 续订信任。检查与 AD FS 的连接。 可以使用链接https://<FQDN_AD_FS_Proxy>/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml执行此操作...