设置定时结构的优先级(Real-Time、Windows) 选择定时结构的定时源(Real-Time、Windows) 动态设置定时结构的输入选项(Real-Time、Windows) 定时结构命名(Real-Time、Windows) 同步定时结构的开始时间(Real-Time, Windows) 中止定时结构的执行(Real-Time, Windows) ...
此外,Microsoft 建议使用 WASAPI 的应用程序应使用Real-Time 工作队列 API或MFCreateMFByteStreamOnStreamEx来创建工作项,并将其标记为音频或专业音频,而不是使用它们自己的线程。 这将允许 Windows 以避免干扰非音频子系统的方式管理它们。 相比之下,所有 AudioGraph 线程都由 Windows 自动管理。 WASAPIAudio 示例中的...
间接显示驱动程序(IDD)调用 IddCxSetRealtimeGPUPriority 将DirectX 设备的 GPU 优先级提升为实时。语法C++ 复制 HRESULT IddCxSetRealtimeGPUPriority( [in] IDDCX_SWAPCHAIN SwapChainObject, [in] const IDARG_IN_SETREALTIMEGPUPRIORITY *pIn ); 参数[...
通常はリアルタイムの優先度の値LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY。 LOW_PRIORITY値は、システムで使用するために予約されています。 戻り値 KeSetPriorityThread はスレッドの古い優先度を返します。 注釈 KeSetPriorityThread の呼び出しによってスレッドの優先度が低い値にリセットされた場合、スレッドが...
RAID 0 (Striping):Improves performance by spreading data across multiple drives, but offers no redundancy. RAID 0 offers no protection against disk failure, making it best for non-critical data where speed is the priority. RAID 1 (Mirroring):Provides data redundancy by creating an exact copy of...
3DMark Speed Way is a DirectX 12 Ultimate benchmark for gaming PCs running Windows 10 and 11. Speed Way’s engine is assembled to demonstrate the new features DirectX 12 Ultimate brings to raytraced gaming. Speed Way uses DirectX Raytracing tier 1.1 for real-time global illumination and real...
Fixed a white pixel appearing in VS, for real this time. Fixed deletion of the UnityVS.VersionSpecific assembly if it's marked as readonly by an SCM. Fixed exceptions when creating sockets in the UnityVS package. Fixed a crash in Visual Studio when loading stock images from Visual Studio ...
In general, most threads have variable priority attributes: they are always preemptible and are scheduled to run round-robin with all other threads that are currently at the same priority level. Some threads have real-time priority attributes: these time-critical threads run to completion unless ...
1 UserTime 00:00:00.000 KernelTime 00:00:00.015 Win32 Start Address 0x00007fff6978b350 Stack Init ffffd001c70c6dd0 Current ffffd001c70c6520 Base ffffd001c70c7000 Limit ffffd001c70c1000 Call 0 Priority 8 BasePriority 8 UnusualBoost 0 ForegroundBoost 0 IoPriority 2 PagePriority 5 Child-SP ...