、常见电脑截图快捷键1. Windows 键 + Print Screen 键 这个组合键是最常见的电脑截图快捷键。按下这个组合键后,电脑会将整个屏幕内容截图并保存到剪贴板中,你可以在任何可以粘贴文本的地方粘贴这个截图。2. Windows 键 + Shift 键 + S 这个组合键可以快速打开系统自带的截图工具,可以进行矩形、自由、窗口等区...
Description Hey maybe i dont see a option for it but when i want to change the hotkey in Windows most of them are changeable but the major key for the Print Screen is "greyed" out and i cannot change it... I do not have a Print Screen button on my keyboard and i want to change...
Print Screen:全屏幕截图,适用于Metro UI界面和桌面(按下快捷键后,再打开画图,粘贴,保存)。 Alt + Print Screen:截取当前活动窗口,Metro UI界面为全屏截图,同Print Screen(按下快捷键后,再打开画图,粘贴,保存)。 Win + ,: 显示桌面,但是不会停留在桌面,松开hotkey之后会回到原来的窗口。 Win + .:第一次按...
Windows键盘快捷键(HotKey)Windows鍵盤快捷鍵(Hot Key)一般鍵盤快速鍵 按鍵功能 CTRL+A 選取全部。CTRL+C 複製。CTRL+P 列印。CTRL+X 剪下。CTRL+V 貼上。CTRL+Z 復原。DELETE 刪除。SHIFT+DELETE 永久地刪除所選取的項目,而不將它放置在[資源回收筒]。拖曳項目時按CTRL 複製所選取的...
I am having this same issue. I have nothing installed on my computer using the print screen hotkey other than Windows itself. There is a feature enhancement request to register a different key for the trigger, but there has been no action on it as of yet....
Windows鍵盤快捷鍵(HotKey) 一般鍵盤快速鍵 按鍵 功能 CTRL+A選取全部。 CTRL+C複製。 CTRL+P列印。 CTRL+X剪下。 CTRL+V貼上。 CTRL+Z復原。 DELETE刪除。 SHIFT+DELETE 永久地刪除所選取的項目,而不將它放置在[資源回收筒]。 拖曳項目時按CTRL複製所選取的項目。 拖曳項目時按CTRL+SHIFT為所選取項目建立捷...
{if(e.HotkeyId == hotkeyId) {// 处理 Ctrl + F1 按下事件Console.WriteLine($"热键按下:{e.VirtualKey},按键次数:{e.PressedCount}"); } }; 全局热键工具类完整代码 usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Diagnostics;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.Runtime.InteropServices;usingSystem....
The hotkeys vary on different computers but are usually the combination of Print Screen keys such asPrntScrn, PrntScr or PrtScr. You may be familiar with these shortcuts and have used them to take screenshots of your PC all the time. However, have you noticed that when you capture screen...
The Win+Print Screen hotkey Only the PrtScn (Print Screen) key The Alt+Print Screen keys The Snipping Tool application, which also has its own Win + Shift + S shortcut. Tip: You can also create ashortcut to capture a screen region in Windows 10. ...
选中Advanced项,在右侧窗口中点击右键,选择“新建 - 字符串值”,命名为DisabledHotkeys ,双击该值打开编辑窗口。5/8 确定,关闭注册表编辑器。然后重启系统或重启Windows资源管理器后生效。6/8 方法二:打开组策略编辑器,定位至“用户配置 - 管理模板 - Windows 组件 - 文件资源管理器”。然后在...