Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experiences for greater productivity. For more info on PowerToys overviews and guides, or any other tools and resources for Windows development environments, h
Download PowerToys from WinGet. To install PowerToys, run the following command from the command line / PowerShell: WinGet install powertoys Experimental PowerToys utility with Video conference muting Install the pre-release experimental version of PowerToys to try out this version. It includes all im... 早期的Powertoys只是包含有Fancyzones 和快捷键指南,其中FancyZones允许用户自定义程序窗口在桌面上的显示区域。为大屏、高分用户提供便利;快捷指南通过叠加方式显示键盘快捷键,覆盖了Windows下定义的所有键盘快捷键。 下载和设置 从2020年4月30日发...
- **POWERTOYS**:微软官方出品的万能工具大合集,包括自定义分屏、快速预览文件等功能[❸](。 11. **远程控制软件**: - **ToDesk**、**TeamViewer**、**向日葵**、**Parsec**:这些软件可以在远程桌面控制与管理、不同平台的兼容与整合性、文件传输速度与方便性、实时沟通与协作、...
Install PowerToysThis utility is part of the Microsoft PowerToys utilities for power users. It provides a set of useful utilities to tune and streamline your Windows experience for greater productivity. To install PowerToys, see Installing PowerToys....
Microsoft PowerToys How to use PowerToys|Downloads & Release notes|Contributing to PowerToys|What's Happening|Roadmap About Microsoft PowerToys is a set of utilities for power users to tune and streamline their Windows experience for greater productivity. For more info onPowerToys overviews and how ...
For example, given the file name:powertoys-powerrename.txt: Search for:power Rename with:super The value of the renamed file would result in: Match all occurrences cleared:supertoys-powerrename.txt Match all occurrences selected:supertoys-superrename.txt ...
PowerToys (v0.37.0 and newer) requires Windows 10 v1903 (18362) or newer. Have.NET Core 3.1.15Desktop Runtime. The installer should handle this but we want to directly make people aware. 安装运行后提示需要.NET Core的支持,请转到前往下载。
下载: PowerToys是微软出品的一款官方系统增强器,包含取色器、分屏器、键盘映射器、批量图片调整、批量重命名、快速搜索栏等多个功能模块。 软件的思路并不复杂,却弥补了现版Win10中几个不曾被关注的方面。其中快速搜索栏是关注度最高的,不光是因为它的外观与...
For ARM64 processors: PowerToysSetup-0.63.0-arm64.exe This is our preferred method. Via Microsoft Store Install from the Microsoft Store's PowerToys page. You must be using the new Microsoft Store which will be available for both Windows 11 and Windows 10. Via WinGet (Preview) Download Power...