然后就能找到啦 ./src/powershell-win-core/bin/Debug/net6.0/win7-x64/publish/pwsh.exe 调试代码 打开WinDbg preview → Launch executable(advanced) Executable 中填入上一步编译出来的地址,我的是这样的:C:\Users\frend\source\repos\dotnet\PowerShell\src\powershell-win-core\bin\Debug\net6.0\win7-x6...
set of commands that aren't external executable files. These cmdlets (pronounced "command-lets") are built right into Windows PowerShell. (For a look at some of the most useful cmdlets to get you started using Windows PowerShell, see the sidebar "Top 10 Cmdlets to Start Using Immediately"...
If NVM4W doesn't appear to work immediately after installation, restart the terminal/powershell (not the whole computer). After install, reinstalling global utilities (e.g. yarn) will have to be done for each installed version of node: ...
cmd.exe /k ExecutableFile.exe parameter1, parameter2... parameterN 此限制适用于使用命令提示符运行批处理文件时包含在批处理文件中的命令行。 在命令提示符中,展开EnvironmentVariable2EnvironmentVariable3后的总长度EnvironmentVariable1不能超过 8191 个字符: 控制台 复制 c:> set EnvironmentVariable1 = Env...
在Windows PowerShell中打开带有文件的notepad++ Note: 下面的答案包含有关从PowerShell调用可执行文件的一般信息。 您的特定问题可能是以下之一:可执行文件Notepad++.exe可能从目录C:\Program Files\Notepad++中丢失目标文件可能不存在或无法访问服务器。 请注意,如果可执行路径是完整(绝对)路径(如第二个attempt.,.\...
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First, let's quickly review the initial Windows PowerShell security settings. By default, the shell will not run files with a PS1 file name extension when you double-click on them. That extension is associated with Notepad. In fact, by default, the shell won't run scripts at all because...
The .ps1 filename extension used to identify Windows PowerShell scripts is not registered with Microsoft Windows® as an executable file type. By default, double-clicking a .ps1 file does not run the script (although it may open it in an editor such as Windows Notepad or the Windows Power...
Windows Components > Windows PowerShell Turn on PowerShell Script Block Logging Baseline default: Enabled Learn more Log script block invocation start / stop events: Baseline default: False Windows Components > Windows Remote Management (WinRM) > WinRM Client Allow Basic authentication Baseline defaul...