Thanks - unfortunately I find no way to escape the double quotes. " does not work with the Windows PowerShell, since the backslash indicates folders such as the slash in Unix. MS suggests to escape double quotes with “” or `". Both versions won’t work either. Seems to be a very ...
My first two write-host statements show how, in Windows PowerShell, double quotes are intelligent in the sense that certain escape sequences, such as the 'n newline character and object references beginning with the $ character, are evaluated by the script execution engine. Single-qu...
Within double quotes, Windows PowerShell will also look for its escape character, the backtick or grave accent, and act accordingly. Here are a couple of examples:T-SQL Copy $debug = "`$computer contains $computer" $head = "Column`tColumn`tColumn" ...
Notice that I'm asking it to display something, and I've enclosed that something inside double quotation marks. The quotes tell Windows PowerShell that this is a string of text, not another command. However, when you use double quotes-as opposed to single quotes-Windows PowerShell scans the...
My first two write-host statements show how, in Windows PowerShell, double quotes are intelligent in the sense that certain escape sequences, such as the 'n newline character and object references beginning with the $ character, are evaluated by the script execution engine. Single-quote-...
you can use single quotes in windows powershell, but i'm pretty sure you need double quotes or no quotes with escaped spaces (escape with '^') for cmd. I tried running youtube-dl link --exec player.exe in powershell with still no luck though; i think it spawns a cmd process since...
message using write-host, I use the built-in invoke-item cmdlet to launch the application under test. Note that Windows PowerShell uses both single quotes and double quotes (single-quote strings are literals while double-quoted strings allow evaluation of embedded escape sequences and variables)....
Choosing Command or Shell Thewin_shellandwin_commandmodules can both be used to execute a command or commands. Thewin_shellmodule is run within a shell-like process likePowerShellorcmd, so it has access to shell operators like<,>,|,;,&&, and||. Multi-lined commands can also be run...
Since PowerShell expands variables when passing arguments to native apps, this gets us the best of all worlds: Tab-completed paths work with native apps, like they used to The shortest syntax like~/Doc{Tab}still tab completes Tab-completion will not make my carefully generic "$HOME/Docu{Tab...
The following example shows a single RUN instruction that spans multiple lines using the default escape character: FROM RUN powershell.exe -Command \ $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; \ wget