You can also use Windows PowerShell to remotely connect to other computers, and even run Windows PowerShell cmdlets against a list of computers, enabling you to perform actions against multiple computers by using a single command-line instruction. ...
Windows Server 2012 中引入了 ADCSAdministration Windows PowerShell 模块。 在 Windows Server 2012 R2 中向此模块添加了两个新的 cmdlet,以支持 CA 的备份和还原。 Backup-CARoleService Restore-CARoleService Backup-CARoleService ADCSAdministration Cmdlet:Backup-CARoleService ...
1. system built-in cmdlets: 有关系统的内置cmdlets 2. Objects built-in cmdlets: 有关对象的内置cmdlets 3. Items Built-in cmdlets: 有关项目(Item)的内置cmdlets 4. Aliases Built-in Powershell Cmdlets:有关别名的内置Cmdlets 5. Drivers Built-in cmdlets:有关驱动器的内置cmdlets 6. Paths and locati...
1. 内置Cmdlets (即"commandlets") Windows PowerShell中的所有Cmdlets都允许这样的动名词:get-service, get-process, stop-service, get-wmiobject. 2. 强大的通配符和操作对象 要得到以w开头的服务及其依赖服务只要输入: PS> get-service w* | format-list DisplayName, DependentServices 3. 在犯错误前测试命...
四个内置的 cmdlets - Format-List、Format-Custom、Format-Table 和 Format-Wide - 用来接收对象的集合(比如由 select 返回的集合),并用不同的方式格式化这些对象。Windows PowerShell 基本上使用 Format-Table 来格式化 select cmdlet 的输出结果。想看看不同的外观,可以试一下 Format-List:复制 ...
1. 内置Cmdlets (即"commandlets") Windows PowerShell中的所有Cmdlets都允许这样的动名词:get-service, get-process, stop-service, get-wmiobject. 2. 强大的通配符和操作对象 要得到以w开头的服务及其依赖服务只要输入: PS> get-service w* | format-list DisplayName, DependentServices ...
5. Windows Powershell Cmdlets介绍 在使用Powershell的时候,你可以直接的在shell的命令行里面输入命令,你也可以直接把相同的命令保存为一个文本文件。这个脚本文件被称为cmdlet,可以在Powershell中直接调用。 和其他的脚本语言一样,用记事本来创建和编写脚本足够够用的。在Powershell中,你只需要把cmdlet保存为PS1格式的...
Windows Server Backup Cmdlets Windows Server Essentials Cmdlets Windows Server Essentials Setup Cmdlets Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Cmdlets Windows Server 2012 和 Windows 8 的模块参考 System Center Automation with Windows PowerShell 使用Windows PowerShell 自动运行 Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack...
Displays information about Windows PowerShell cmdlets and concepts. Get-History Gets a list of the commands entered during the current session. Get-Host Gets a reference to the current console host object. Displays Windows Powershell version and regional information by default. Get-Hotfix Gets the ...
How do I get to use the ADFS powershell cmdlets in server 2012 R2 How do I get video file duration in powershell script How do I give PowerShell access to folders? How do I handle ParameterBinding Exceptions? How do I hide code execution, displaying only what I want to the end user...