当然能啊,改注册表的话去 HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\TrueTypeFont 加项...
例如,此默认设置使用快捷键 Ctrl+Shift+1 在终端中打开一个新选项卡,具体取决于下拉菜单中列出的第一个配置文件(通常这将打开 PowerShell 配置文件):JSON 复制 { "command": { "action": "newTab", "index": 0 }, "id": "User.MyNewTabAction" } ...
{"icon":null,"name":"Command Prompt","command": {"action":"newTab","profile":"Command Prompt"} }, {"icon":"C:\\path\\to\\icon","name":"PowerShell","command": {"action":"newTab","profile":"PowerShell"} }, {"icon":null,"name":"Ubuntu","command": {"action":"newTab",...
<td bgcolor="e6e6e6" class="code" style="font-size:9pt"> <pre><ccid_code> PS C:\> "lowercase Changecase Uppercase".ToUpper() LOWERCASE CHANGECASE UPPERCASE需要强调的是,不传递参数调用方法时不能省略后面的圆括号;否则PowerShell会认为是获得方法本身的对象,如下例所示:展开...
Windows PowerShell脚本将动态汇报应用于现有映像 本文介绍如何在部署之前获取动态更新包并将其应用于现有 Windows 映像,并包含可用于自动执行此过程的Windows PowerShell脚本。 批量许可媒体适用于批量许可服务中心 (VLSC) 和其他相关渠道(如 Windows 更新 for Business、Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 和 Visual...
ctrl+,进入设置 > 文本编辑器 > 字体 > Font Family,内容修改为Sarasa Term SC, 'Courier New', monospace,启用更纱黑体。 装个Vibrancy插件,更详细教程见文末参考1。 4. CMD & PowerShell 的字体与毛玻璃效果: 首先需要在注册表中注册字体 打开注册表编辑器,定位到 ...
Windows PowerShell allows you to customize a number of properties—something you’ll definitely want to do if you spend much time working in the console. For example, you can add buffers so that text scrolled out of the viewing area is accessible. You can resize the console, change its f...
已经上架应用商店的Windows Terminal,目前是预览版,还没达到视频里的效果 购买 Windows Terminal (Preview...
下面给出的是用来找出字节对应字体位置的PowerShell代码: $Font= "C:\Windows\Fonts\wingding.ttf"$Malware= "C:\Users\Administrator\Pictures\2.PNG" $fontArray= Get-Content $Font -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0$malwareArray= Get-Content $Malware -Encoding Byte -ReadCount 0$offsetArray= @()foreach(...
Windows PowerShellTM, the new Microsoft command shell and scripting language, is a great platform for several kinds of lightweight test automation. In this month's Test Run column, I show you how to use Windows PowerShell to create quick and easy UI test automation for any kind of Web ...