powershell -Command"Enable-ComputerRestore -Drive 'C:\'"powershell -Command"Checkpoint-Computer -Description 'Pre-update backup' -RestorePointType 'MODIFY_SETTINGS'" 这些命令将启用 C 盘的系统保护,并创建一个描述为“Pre-update backup”的还原点。请注意,Enable-ComputerRestore和Checkpoint-Computer命令需要...
Windows 有两个命令行 shell:命令 shell 和PowerShell。 每个 shell 都是一个软件程序,可在你与操作系统或应用程序之间提供直接通信,从而提供自动化 IT 操作的环境。 命令shell 是 Windows 中内置的第一个 shell,用于使用批处理 (.bat) 文件自动执行日常任务,例如用户帐户管理或夜间备份。 使用 Windows 脚本宿主,...
在Windows 11 中,WMIC(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line)工具已被废弃,微软推荐使用 PowerShell 中的 Get-WmiObject 和 Get-CimInstance 等 cmdlet 来替代其功能。 在Windows 11 中,WMIC(Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line)工具已被废弃,微软推荐使用PowerShell中的Get-WmiObject和Get-CimInsta...
在Windows Server 中,Windows PowerShell 远程处理默认处于启用状态,但在 Windows 10 和 Windows 11 上必须手动进行启用。 若要启用 Windows PowerShell 远程处理,请使用以下过程之一。 在已提升权限的命令提示符(或 Windows PowerShell (管理员) 提示符)处,运行以下命令: ...
1、以管理身份打开CMD或powershell命令执行窗口,输入如下命令进行添加wmic操作: DISM /Online /Add-Capability /CapabilityName:WMIC~~~ 2、添加完成后,重新执行wmic命令后正常无报错。 如果使用后需要卸载,可以执行如下命令: DISM /Online /Remove-Capability /CapabilityName:WMIC~~~ 通过...
iex"& {$(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1)} -UseMSI" 6、win11 powershell7 ssh服务 (1)使用管理员权限打开powershell 7 (2)参考以下链接 关键步骤: 1、Go to Settings > Apps > Optional features; 2、Click View Features; 3、Search "OpenSSH Server",select it from the list and cl...
Let's take a look at the various methods, starting from opening PowerShell with Windows 11 Search Box to running PowerShell from the Windows 11 Start Menu.We will also provide a video to help:00:28 Right-click on the "Windows" button. 00:33 Choose "Windows PowerShell (Admin.)" 00:...
On Windows 11 PC, click Start and search Windows PowerShell. Launch the PowerShell with Run as Administrator. Run the following command to enable the built-in Windows 11 Administrator account. Get-LocalUser -Name “Administrator” | Enable-LocalUser ...
This user, eg, test user, is able to do it from the online version from exchange admin center but cant use the cmd to run via powershell. It was working probably a week ago and I haven't changed anything. It also works fine when authenticating using a global admin account. Looking ...
In Windows 11, sometimes you need special permission to do big things like changing system files or doing admin stuff. This guide shows you how to make apps like Command Prompt, PowerShell, Registry Editor, or Windows Explorer work with these special permissions, called SYSTEM permissions. ...