若要调整Windows 11中的电源和睡眠设置,请选择“启动>设置 >系统>电源 & 电池>屏幕、睡眠 & 休眠超时”。 在以下时间后关闭屏幕:选择你希望设备在你不使用设备时(当设备接通电源和电池电源时)在关闭屏幕之前等待的时间。 使设备进入睡眠状态后:选择在不使用设备时,希望设备在进入睡眠状态之前等待多长时间,无论是...
To adjust power and sleep settings in Windows 11, select Start > Settings > System > Power & battery > Screen, sleep, & hibernate timeouts. Turn my screen off after: Select how long you want your device to wait before turning the screen off when you're not using your device, bo...
Benefits of Windows 10 sleep settings Power and sleep settings aren’t typically top of mind when you’re working on your computer. However, they can have a major impact on the overall performance of your machine. If you learn how to adjust the Windows 10 power options and sleep settings,...
点击右下角的电池 -> power and sleep setting -> choose what the power buttons do -> change settings that are currently unavailable -> Turn on fast startup
可能是锁屏+某些条件会被认为是“无人值守”,微软对无人参与系统睡眠超时的解释https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows-hardware/customize/power-settings/sleep-settings-sleep-unattended-idle-timeout 没有设置关闭屏幕还是会关闭 reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\PowerSetting...
Type “power options” Click “Power & sleep settings” Alternative path: Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options Open Plan Settings: Locate “Additional power settings” under Related settings Click “Change plan settings” next to your active power plan ...
ms-settings:sound(声音) ms-settings:notifications(通知和操作) ms-settings:powersleep(电源和睡眠) ms-settings:batterysaver(电池优化) ms-settings:storagesense(存储) ms-settings:tabletmode(平板模式) ms-settings:multitasking(多任务) ms-settings:project(投影到此电脑) ...
Type and search [Power & sleep settings] in the Windows search bar①, and then click [Open]②. Click [Additional power settings]③. Click [Choose what the power button does]④. If the fast startup option is grayed out in Shutdown settings, please click [Change settings that are cu...
首先,在右下角任务栏的电池上面右键,点击 Power Options。 其次,在打开的窗口的左侧,点击 “Choose what the power buttons do”。 此时,我们可以看到,在下半部分已经有我们想要的休眠 Hibernate 按钮了,但是现在还没有打上勾,并且也是不能操作的状态。然后,我们点击上半部分的 “Change settings that are current...
Open the Windows Power and Sleep settings. Hit the Windows Key and type “Power Settings” and choose thePower & sleep settingsapp. UnderRelated settingsclick theAdditional power settingslink. In the Power Options window that opened, find which power plan you are using and click theChange plan...