因为我平时的使用习惯是睡眠(Sleep)模式,除了电源键就是键盘(PS/2接口)来开机。 为了调查这样的幽灵启动,我通过事件查看器来进行切入。 Win+X打开迷你功能菜单,选择事件查看器,就进入到了事件查看器。 我做了截图,我是按照这个顺序添加了一个关于Power-Troubleshooter(电源-诊断)的筛选。 Figure1一共四个步骤进行...
Hi All, Recently the sleep option that pops up when I click the power button is no longer there. Neither is hibernate. When I go to my control panel and look for the sleep option under "choose wh... Since when this problem started? Are you using Windows Insider? Are you facing the ...
HUAWEI Offical Site provides technical support Find more about Unable to power off, sleep, or hibernate my HUAWEI computer through the Windows Power button with HUAWEI Support
PowerButtonPressLastPowerWatchdogStage 最近按下电源按钮时完成的上一个阶段。 PowerButtonPressPowerWatchdogArmed 指示上次按下电源按钮时监视器的监视程序是否处于活动状态。 ShutdownDeviceType 标识关闭的触发方式。 包括电池触发、热区域触发或通过内核 API 触发。 SleepCheckpoint 在休眠转换期间出现故障时提供上一个...
/SYSTEMSLEEPDIAGNOSTICS 系统睡眠诊断报告已弃用且 替换为系统电源报告。请使用命令 改用"powercfg /systempowerreport"。 /SYSTEMPOWERREPORT 生成系统电源转换的诊断报告。 /POWERTHROTTLING 为应用程序控制电源节流。 /PROVISIONINGXML, /PXML 生成包含电源设置覆盖项的 XML 文件。
TransitionInfoPowerButtonTimestamp 上次按下電源按鈕的日期和時間。 TransitionInfoSleepInProgress 儲存最後一個標記時,系統是位於或正在進入睡眠模式。 TransitionInfoSleepTranstionsToOn 裝置從睡眠模式轉換的總次數。 TransitionInfoSystemRunning 儲存最後一個標記時,裝置正在執行。 TransitionInfoSystemShutdownInProg...
In recovery, the temporary memory data stored in the hard disk is restored to memory, and the working state is returned.1.2.1 in the power plan, for sleep and sleep into the time set, of course, according to the logic of normal, the former is 9、 smaller than the latter. So when ...
Usepowercfg /ato enumerate all available sleep states on a system. A user can specify the action to take when the sleep power button is pressed by using theSleep button action. Typically, when the user presses the sleep button, the system goes to the S3 system power state. ...
Name="BugcheckParameter1">0x0</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter2">0x0</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter3">0x0</Data> <Data Name="BugcheckParameter4">0x0</Data> <Data Name="SleepInProgress">0</Data> <Data Name="PowerButtonTimestamp">0</Data> <Data Name="BootAppStatus">0</...