windows7默认设置下,左键单击左下角“开始”菜单,右键单击程序快捷方式,显示的右键菜单里面会出现“将此程序锁定到任务栏”(Pin to Taskbar)和“将此程序锁定到开始菜单”( Pin to Start Menu)两个选项,以方便windows用户直接在任务栏里面启用常用的软件或者文件夹,随着windows7使用者的增多,部分用户开始为了提高电脑...
所以这个菜单默认没出来,不过我发现按住shift后再点右键,Pin to Start Menu这个选项就会出现了,呵呵!
第一步、创建开始菜单布局 1 您首先要做的是准备一个参考机器,其中安装了所有要安装到应用程序开始布局的应用程序。要将新图块固定到“开始”菜单,首先必须通过“开始”搜索找到它。接下来,您右键单击该图块,然后选择Pin to Start。2 要删除图标,请右键单击它,然后单击“Upin to Start”。当然,您也...
任务栏上钉与解除时传递给ShellExecute的lpOperation参数是taskbarpin/taskbarunpin,而开始菜单的lpOperation参数是startpin/startunpin。 示例,将IE钉在任务栏上: 1. 在桌面上为IE创建链接IE.lnk 2. ShellExecute(NULL, "taskbarpin", "c:\users\username\Desktop\IE.lnk", NULL, NULL, 0) 以上有一个限制,就...
I have this set up on another PC but can't remember ho to do it. I can easily create an admin cmd shortcut and even pin it to the task bar. But when I try to pin to start menu it's just a normal cmd windowAll replies (6)...
aIn Windows 7, you can still pin items to the Start menu, but the Quick Launch toolbar is no longer available. Instead, with Windows 7, you can pin items directly to the taskbar for easy access. 在窗口7,您能仍然别住项目对起动菜单,但快的发射工具栏不再是可利用的。 反而,与窗口7,您能...
Để mở menu Bắt đầu, bạn có thể sử dụng con trỏ để nhấp vào biểu tượng [Start]ở giữa thanh tác vụ hoặc nhấn phím Windows trên bàn phím.Bảng nội dung: ...
App", "tileId": "MSEdge.anfoedbkjbcacemdbigf.UserData.Default" }, { "desktopAppId": "Contoso.Desktop.Example.AUMID"} ], "firstRunOEMPins": [ { "desktopAppLink": "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\PutMeInRecommended.lnk", "caption": { "en-US": "(...
Turns out you can right-click its name on the left side. From the shortcut menu, choose “Pin to taskbar” or “Pin to Start.” It disappears from the left side and goes where you sent it. Tip: If you have a touchscreen, you can “right-click” something by holding your finger ...
Download ready-to-use registry files Once you have merged Add Pin to Start Screen.reg, you will get the "Pin to Start Screen" context menu item unlocked for every file, and every file system object in Explorer. See the following video to check it in action: ...