我安装了 Python 2.7.8 和 pgxn 客户端。我尝试从 bin 文件夹的命令行运行此语句并且路径设置正确 {代码...} 但是我得到了一个错误 pg_config executable not found 。 原文由 Mladen Uzelac 发布,翻译遵循 CC B...
错误信息:Error: pg_config executable not found.这也是由于缺少PostgreSQL的开发工具导致的。解决方法是手动指定pg_config路径。您可以在安装PostgreSQL的目录中找到pg_config.exe文件,并在安装psycopg2时使用--pg-config参数指定该路径,例如:
之所以没有使用像HackSys Extreme Vulnerable Windows Driver这样的东西,是因为想做点不同的事情。恰逢Goo...
The Registry could not flush hive (file): '\SystemRoot\System32\Config\SOFTWARE'. An TLS 1.2 connection request was received from a remote client application, but none of the cipher suites supported by the server an unknown error occurred while validating the server dns Analysis of Event ID ...
pg4mqc.exe Oracle Procedural Gateway for Websphere MQ hdodbc.exe Generic Connectivity extproc.exe External Procedures oidldapd.exe Oracle Internet Directory LDAP Server Configuring the Windows Firewall Postinstallation configuration for the Windows Firewall must be undertaken if all of the following con...
4年前 pgsql_dbcli.bat misc enhancements on MYSQL and PostGreSQL platforms 10个月前 pgsql_dbcli.sh misc enhancements on MYSQL and PostGreSQL platforms 10个月前 Loading...README MIT DBCLI : A CLI utility for DBA (Oracle/MySQL/DB2) Description Download Windows: Configure terminal w...
git config --global user.name "你的名字" Email 然后是你的Email,同样,这个Email也会出现在你的提交记录中,请尽量保持此Email和您的Git@OSC的注册Email一致。 git config --global user.email "你的Email" Clone 和 Push Clone 项目 git clone http://git.oschina.net/xxxxxx/xxxxxx.git ...
pgsql_dbcli.sh misc enhancements on MYSQL and PostGreSQL platforms Apr 15, 2024 Repository files navigation README MIT license DBCLI : A CLI utility for DBA (Oracle/MySQL/DB2) For more detailed usage, please refer to thePowerPoint fileunder thedocsdirectory ...
Introduction The topic of memory corruption exploits can be a difficult one to initially break in to. When I first began to explore this topic on the Windows OS I was immediately struck by the...
The answer lies with the CR0 register; more specifically the 31st bit: the paging (PG) bit and the physical address extension (PAE) bit (5th) in the the CR4 register. 0: kd>.formats cr0 Evaluate expression: Hex: 00000000`80050033 ...