Kindle Cloud Reader是一个Web程序,可以固定在任务栏上,还提供了离线阅读、在线购书、黑暗模式、调整字体颜色宽窄、创建注释和书签、书内搜索、单词释义等一系列便捷功能。值得一提的是,Kindle Cloud Reader大小仅有10.43KB。 Kindle Cloud Reader也支持触摸操作,能想到最搭配的Windows设备应该就是设计像书本一样,而且搭...
除此之外,Windows 11 最重磅的功能就是支持了运行安卓应用。从介绍来看,Windows 11 的微软应用商城,已经可以上架安卓应用,目前主流的一些应用:抖音 TikTok ,可汗学院、Kindle Reader 都可以正常运行了。不过值得注意的是,Windows 11 运行安卓应用并不是直接可以安装运行 apk 文件,而是需要从微软应用商城上下载...
Find the best programs like Kindle Cloud Reader for Windows. More than 25 alternatives to choose: Kindle, ePUB Reader for Windows, Kindle for Windows
Cory Hendrixson 说道:“Windows Subsystem for Android 正式发布,有 31 个市场和超过 50,000 个应用程序! 令人惊奇的是,运行这些应用程序是多么简单易行。感觉就像运行普通的 Windows 应用程序...WAPost、Kindle Reader(在我的 Surface Go 3 上)和《地铁跑酷》是我的最爱。” 微软为什么要构建 WSA? 至此,众人...
Browse over a million books on your PC for free withKindle for Windows 10. It’s an innovativedigital book readerby Amazonthat allows you to purchase, download, read, and even listen to books. All yourbookscan be accessed in your Library. Want to take a pause from reading or save a pa...
官方网站: Top2:kindle for PC 亚马逊自家的电脑端阅读器,适用的电子书都是亚马逊上购买的用户,界面简洁美观,在主页工具内可找到选项,将目标文件转成电子书格式进行阅读,但是kindle for PC的阅读体验较为一般,全屏也仅能显示三分之一,阅读功能设置也较为模糊。很关键的是kindle for...
xp粉,要么不用pc版了,要么升级系统吧,至少win7以上。好在有kindle。2,第三方阅读器,mobipocke reader,还是支持xp系统的。有绿色版,直接复制粘贴过来就能用。不过,好像只能打开mobi格式。不支持azw3.而且,这个第三方阅读器,只可以阅读没有版权的mobi书。不过,目前没有版权的电子书,大部分都是mobi格式的。也还行吧...
Key Features of Kindle PC Kindle App provides features similar to Kindle e-book reader. Let’s have a look at the dynamic features of the Kindle app. Accessibility: If you download it and install it once you can read your book from everywhere because if you log in with your documents fro...
I had the pleasure of being here in New York with Amazon as we announced the Kindle Reader for PC. Brandon over at the has a good overview of the application as well. It’s a free app that brings the Kindle experience to Windows and it is op...
If you do not have a Kindle reader, Kindle PaperWhite or Kindle Fire, Kindle app for Windows allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC, laptop and tablet with Windows OS. There are 2 versions ofKindle app for Windows, i.e.Kindle app for Windows 8which only runs onWindows 8, andKi...