如果您最近購買了新的 Windows 裝置,您可能無法找到傳統 Outlook,或圖示出現了但在您嘗試開啟它時出現錯誤。 此錯誤可能指出它找不到 Outlook,或可能表示: 我們無法驗證及安裝此項目,因為 Microsoft Store 中未提供此項目。 若要安裝,請從發行者的網站下載。 此問題會發生是因為自 2024 年...
如果你最近买了一台新的 Windows 设备,你可能找不到经典版的 Outlook,或者虽然显示了该图标,但当你试图打开它时会出现错误。 该错误可能表示找不到 Outlook,或者可能显示: 无法验证并安装此项,因为它在 Microsoft Store 中不可用。 若要安装,请从发布者的网站下载它。
1 = Outlook 图标在运行 Outlook 时不会显示在任务栏中,并且你最小化 Outlook 窗口 备注 <x.0> 占位符表示你的 Office 版本 (16.0 = Office 2016, Office 2019、Office LTSC 2021 或 Microsoft 365,15.0 = Office 2013,14.0 = Office 2010,12.0 = Office 2007,11.0 = Office 2003) 。
使用Microsoft Outlook 2010 和 Windows 桌面搜索 (WDS) 配置为为 Outlook 数据编制索引时,搜索结果将包括 Outlook 项目,例如电子邮件、联系人等。 但是,安装 Lync 2013 后,您将无法再打开 Windows 搜索结果中列出的 Outlook 2010 项目。 此外,你可能会注意到 Windows 搜索结果中列出的 Outlook 项目...
Outlook 2016. I'm aware that resetting the default programs has an impact (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_outlook-mso_winother/outlook-2013-something-unexpected-went-wrong-with/bcd2305b-72ae-4b9d-a562-afe028beee1e), but that does not do the trick in ...
The new Outlook for Windows will open once the setup is complete, and you can start reading and sending emails immediately. Option 2 - Download new Outlook from the Microsoft Store You won’t see a toggle to Try the new Outlook if you’re using the Outlook desktop app inclu...
You cannot connect to the Exchange server from a computer that is running Microsoft Outlook. Inactive Outlook connections to the Exchange server may not be cleaned up. You experience slow network performance. You may experience slow network performance when you communicate with a Windows Vista-based...
Microsoft Microsoft 365 Teams Copilot Windows Surface Xbox Deals Small Business Support All Microsoft Search Your current User-Agent string appears to be from an automated process, if this is incorrect, please click this link:United States English Microsoft Homepage...
This issue was reported by Teams, new Outlook for Windows, and Snip & Sketch users. This issue can also affect other applications attempting to right-click on its icon to find a context menu with a list of tasks. Workaround:Although the "Open With" dialog prevents the use of the tasks ...
[5]Web site and app owners will have to create a passkey for their site or app for Windows users to leverage. [7]Apps that are no longer open will not automatically be put back into place. Apps that come out of full screen mode when you undock will not be put back into full screen...