你已经可以将 Windows 2D 桌面及其 VR 游戏串流到 Meta Quest 头显上,但你是否想象过把 Windows 3D 应用带到这款头显呢? 在Build 大会上,微软宣布了一种方法“Windows Volumetric Apps on Meta Quest”,可以“将 Windows 应用扩展到 3D 空间”。 具体细节很少,但该公司从 Meta Quest 3 头显的角度展示了 Xb...
To Install Adb drivers to test a Unity VR app on Oculus Quest 2, this method can also be used if you want to install SideQuest in order to play games on your Quest 2. The installation instructions from Oculus do not work hence this workaround....
Save big with Microsoft Store’s Countdown Sale, featuring discounts on Surface Copilot+ PCs, Xbox and PC games Holiday Shopping December 11, 2024 Immersive productivity with Windows and Meta Quest Windows Experience Blog December 9, 2024
Discover the latest tips and tricks about Windows 11/10, web browsers, freeware, and essential tools on GearUpWindows.com. Our expert writers provide in-depth analysis and practical advice to help you optimize your Windows experience. From boosting your
下面的代码示例演示 IRequestCallbackRequestCompletion::OnCompletion 回调函数如何获取 IWDFIoRequest2 接口,然后调用 Reuse。 复制 void STDMETHODCALLTYPE CMyRemoteDevice::OnCompletion( __in IWDFIoRequest* FxRequest, __in IWDFIoTarget* FxTarget, __in IWDFRequestCompletionParams* Params, __in void*...
GetEffectiveIoType 方法會傳回 UMDF 用於 IWDFIoRequest2 介面所代表之 I/O 要求的數據緩衝區存取方法。 GetFileObject GetFileObject 方法會擷取與 I/O 要求相關聯的 IWDFFile 介面指標。 GetHardwareRegisterMappedAddress 驅動程式會呼叫 GetHardwareRegisterMappedAddress,以取得先前使用 MapIoSpace 對應之內存資源...
First published on TechNet on Jul 29, 2009 [Today's post comes to us courtesy of Wayne McIntyre] Do you want to try a fun and awesome game powered by SilverLight Technology? Head on over tohttp://www.microsoft.com/click/serverquest/and see how you handle the challenges of Serv...
微软在去年 12 月起,停用了 Windows 11 的混合现实功能支持,除了 HoloLens 系列产品外,Windows Mixed Reality 程序所有方面的功能都被弃用。不过昨天微软突然宣布,从 Meta Quest 3 和 Quest 3S 开始,现在可以在混合现实头戴显示设备上享受 Windows 11 的全部功能。 微软正在与 Meta 合作,已提供了公共预览版,可...
Server administrators are always on a quest for the secret formula that will solve their performance woes. But no matter what you may have heard, there is no magic pixie dust. Yet the promises keep rolling in, even though few results are delivered. ...
Meta Quest (Oculus) 12 ⚠️ Can't log in with a Meta account, but you can install the Facebook or Instagram app and enable "Logging in with accounts" in the Meta Accounts Center, and use the in-app login. Doesn't detect Quest 2 nearby, due to no Bluetooth suppor...