Is the location of init.vim the same as it is on my mac and Linux? $HOME/.config/nvim/ timfeirg commented Nov 18, 2015 see :h nvim-from-vim, use soft link and don't worry about the locations of neovim config files mkdir -p ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:=$HOME/.config} ln -s ~/....
tail -f 文件名 #实时滚动显示文件的最后10行信息(默认10行)(有新的日志行数会变多) tail -n 20 文件名 #显示文件信息最近20行,不实时 tail -f -n 20 文件名#实时滚动显示文件的最后20行信息 find #语法 find 查找范围 查找条件 -name 按名称查找 find 路径 -name"文件名关键...
一、认识Nginx服务的主配置文件 nginx.conf vim /usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf 1. 1、全局配置 #user nobody; #运行用户,若编译时未指定则默认为 nobody worker_processes 1; #工作进程数量,可配置成服务器内核数 * 2 #error_log logs/error.log; #错误日志文件的位置 #pid logs/; #PID ...
1.4添加service启动: vim /etc/init.d/nginx 插入下面的内容 1. 2. #! /bin/sh # chkconfig: 2345 55 25 # Description: Startup script for nginx webserver on Debian. Place in /etc/init.d and # run 'update-rc.d -f nginx defaults', or use the appropriate command on your # distro. F...
VimShortcutKeyAction VisualizeSourceMap VueExtractComponentAction WD.RefreshCurrentRemoteFileAction WD.UploadCurrentRemoteFileAction <A-S-Q> WebDeployment.BrowseServers WebDeployment.Configuration WebDeployment.Options WebDeployment.ToggleAutoUpload WebOpenInAction <A-F2> WebStormMigrationGuide ...
highlighter- vim # kali执行: python HACK-MY/Administrator:Abcabc123@ python <Domain>/<Username>:<Password>@<IP> 如果是在Windows平台上使用,可以通过PyInstaller,将wmiexec.py打包成独立的EXE可执行文件: highlighter- cmake pip3 install pyinstaller # 打包 pyinstaller...
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") withAutoprint({ ruser <- Sys.getenv("R_USER") cat("\n\nLocation for personal configuration files is\n R_USER = ", ruser, "\n\n", sep = "") ## see if there are personal configuration files file.exists(file.path(ruser, c("Rconsole", "... - multiple cursors; add word with C-n, n/N next/prev, [/] select cursor, q skip, Q remove, tab to switch cursor (normal) and extend (visual) mode - automatic time tracking and metrics,
IISDB_NBIT::GetRecordDescriptorByIndex method (Windows) IDCompositionFloodEffect interface (Windows) TransportInformation structure (Windows) operator = operators (Windows) CD3D11_SAMPLER_DESC class (Windows) HEIF Format Overview (Windows) CreateFile2FromApp function (Windows) BadMemoryCallbackRoutine ...
yum -y install vim # 先使用root账号安装vim文本编辑器 vim /etc/sudoers # 编辑 /etc/sudoers 文件,将需要授权的账号加入到该文件中,完成授权操作,如下图 之后切换会普通用户,继续操作 su qsz # 切换到指定用户 sudo yum -y install wget gcc-c++ ...