vcpkg integrate project Generate a referencing nuget packageforindividual VS project use vcpkg integrate powershell Enable PowerShell tab-completion vcpkgexport<pkg>... [opt]... Exports a package vcpkg edit <pkg> Open up a portforediting (uses %EDITOR%, default'code') vcpkg create <pkg> <ur...
通过“管理 PowerShell”窗口运行以下命令,使用Nuget下载包支持框架: PowerShell Set-Location"C:\PSF".\nuget\nuget.exe install Microsoft.PackageSupportFramework 下载并安装Windows 10 软件开发工具包 (Win 10 SDK)。 下载Win 10 SDK。 运行在上一步中下载的winsdksetup.exe。
Note: Make sure you have at least version 2.1 of the NuGet Package Manager installed or you’ll get unexpected error messages trying to use this package. You can download the latest version from Once you’ve downloaded this package, you can align ...
For design purposes, generic.xaml is available locally with the SDK or NuGet package installation.WinUI Styles (recommended): For updated styles from WinUI, see \Users\<username>\.nuget\packages\microsoft.ui.xaml\<version>\lib\uap10.0\Microsoft.UI.Xaml\Themes\generic.xaml. Non-WinUI styles: ...
(Optional) For this quickstart, you don't need to write any additional code for the NuGet package because the template class library is sufficient to create a package. However, if you'd like some functional code for the package, include the following code: ...
When a local tool is called, dotnet searches for a manifest up the directory structure. When a tool manifest file is found, it is searched for the requested tool. If the tool is found, it includes the information needed to find the tool in the NuGet global packages location. ...
没有内网nuget源,但是有微软中国的,速度可以。 解决国内访问NuGet服务器速度不稳定的问题 ,这里推荐使用NuGet微软官方中国国内镜像 地址: NuGet微软官方中国镜像地址: ...
GDAL binaries from NuGet - package manager for the Microsoft development platform 这里,假定我们的机器上没有旧的python环境,通过在官网上下载ms4w-4.0.3-setup.exe安装程序,采用默认安装位置在C:\ms4w中(记录这个位置是因为,后面如果用pycharm工具时,可以直接选择解释器为这个里面的python编译器),...
安装过程大概都是类似的,WinGet 安装的是exe文件,而 Scoop 安装了 NuGet 的.nupkg文件。二者都是 Windows 上常见的软件安装文件。界面上,WinGet 的下载进度条比较酷炫,而 Scoop 使用的依旧是「字符进度条」,简单淳朴。 另外,WinGet 还有一个比较骚的进度条,在刚刚安装命令之后加上--rainbow的参数,即可解锁彩虹进度...
Create a UWP package (C++) Create a UWP package (C#) Create a native package Create UI controls as a NuGet package Create an analyzer as a NuGet package Create a package for Xamarin with Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 Create a package with COM interop assemblies ...