右键单击要设置为通知声音的声音,然后单击“复制文件地址”。现在,打开“开始”菜单,在搜索栏中键入“注册表编辑器”,然后按回车键。在注册表编辑器中,导航到以下位置:计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\Notification.Default\.Current 双击右侧窗格中的“默认”字符串值,并将复制的路径...
Turn off the “Play a sound when a notification arrives” option. After doing this, the app will send you notifications without making a sound. Additional options There are more ways to change how you get notifications in Windows 11/10: ...
The typical "fixes" (workarounds at best) shared by users are along the lines of disabling the Windows notification sounds altogether (which can't be an acceptable solution), or for some others, disabling the Windows > Settings > Ease of Access > Sticky Keys (which doesn't work for...
在注册表编辑器中,导航到以下位置: 计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\Schemes\Apps\.Default\Notification.Default\.Current 双击右侧窗格中的“默认”字符串值,并将复制的路径粘贴到“数值数据”字段中。请确保删除双引号。然后,单击“确定”。 之后,重新启动计算机,使更改生效。 如何设置自定义通知声音 尽管Window...
AppNotificationSoundEvent AppNotificationTextProperties Microsoft.Windows.Globalization Microsoft.Windows.Management.Deployment Microsoft.Windows.PushNotifications Microsoft.Windows.Security.AccessControl Microsoft.Windows.Storage Microsoft.Windows.System Microsoft.Windows.System.Power Microsoft.Windows.Wid...
This sound is part of my windows sounds pack. Most sounds are metaphors for the events on the screen, for example a new mail is announced by the sound of pulling a letter out of an envelope. All sounds recorded with my laptop mic.
所属专辑:Windows8自带提示音 音频列表 1 Windows Notify System Generic 69 2023-05 2 Windows Notify 63 2023-05 3 Windows Pop-up Blocked 62 2023-05 4 Windows Print complete 76 2023-05 5 Windows Proximity Connection 63 2023-05 6 Windows Proximity Notification ...
var builder = new AppNotificationBuilder() .AddText("Notification text.") .SetAudioUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Audio/NotificationSound.mp3")); 或者,您可以從 ms-winsoundevents 清單中進行選擇,這兩個平台始終支援該清單。Windows 應用程式 ADK (機器翻譯) 社群工具組 XML C# 複製 var builder =...
var builder = new AppNotificationBuilder() .AddText("Notification text.") .SetAudioUri(new Uri("ms-appx:///Audio/NotificationSound.mp3")); 或者,可以从 ms-winsoundevents 列表中进行选择,该列表始终在两类平台上受支持。Windows 应用 SDK 社区工具包 XML C# 复制 var builder = new AppNotificati...
(如一个文件下载,同步操作,主动网络连接).setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE)//向通知添加声音、闪灯和振动效果的最简单、最一致的方式是使用当前的用户默认设置,使用defaults属性,可以组合//Notification.DEFAULT_ALL Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND 添加声音 // requires VIBRATE permission.setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic...