2. 在macOS系统中连接蓝牙设备 (Connecting Bluetooth Devices on macOS) 在“蓝牙”设置中,点击“查找设备”。 等待设备出现在列表中。 点击要连接的设备,然后选择“配对”。 根据提示输入配对码(如果需要)。 五、管理已连接的蓝牙设备 (Managing Connected Bluetooth Devices) 连接成功后,你可以在电脑上管理已连接...
若要將藍牙裝置與 Windows 配對,Windows 裝置必須具備藍牙。 大部分的 Windows 裝置都已內建藍牙。 如果 Windows 裝置沒有藍牙,您可以將 USB 藍牙適配卡插入 Windows 裝置上的 USB 埠以新增藍牙。 Windows 11 開始之前,請確定 Windows 裝置支援藍牙。 如需如何檢查的詳細資訊,請參閱修正 Windows 中的藍牙問題。
If your computer encounters Bluetooth functionality issues (such as inability to connect, missing functionality, frequent disconnections, missing Bluetooth icon, or exclamation marks in Device Manager) when connecting to external Bluetooth devices (including keyboards, mice, phones, speakers, game ...
Learn how to troubleshoot Bluetooth problems in Windows. Resolve issues connecting a Bluetooth device or accessory.
If your computer encounters Bluetooth functionality issues (such as inability to connect, missing functionality, frequent disconnections, missing Bluetooth icon, or exclamation marks in Device Manager) when connecting to external Bluetooth devices (including keyboards, mice, phones, speakers, game ...
Learn how to troubleshoot Bluetooth problems in Windows. Resolve issues connecting a Bluetooth device or accessory.
If your computer encounters Bluetooth functionality issues (such as inability to connect, missing functionality, frequent disconnections, missing Bluetooth icon, or exclamation marks in Device Manager) when connecting to external Bluetooth devices (including keyboards, mice, phones, speakers, game ...
I want to connecting my workstation to office using VPN IKE, the VPN server using Mikrotik and authentication use certificate. I import the CA certificate and Client certificate from Mikrotik to my workstation and when try connecting i got error… ...
Fix 1: Reinstall your Bluetooth driver In most cases, the AirPods not connecting issue indicates that you’re using abroken or outdated Bluetooth driver. To fix this, the easiest and quickest way is to reinstall the Bluetooth driver on your PC. ...