打开cmd输入 import fvcore 没报错即成功' 安装detectron2: 下载地址:https://github.com/conansherry/detectron2 python setup.py build --force develop
注意:上面是你的文件夹路径,就是第五步中下载的detectors文件夹,要是你没安装hand_object_detector直接执行全身代码,就会出现ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'model'的报错,要安装这个。 最后是重中之重如果你出现报错fatal error: ATen/ATen.h: No such file or directory,这个是编译器里面没有这个函数,...
(AMD64)] numpy 1.24.3 detectron2 imported a wrong installation detectron2._C not built correctly: No module named 'detectron2._C' DETECTRON2_ENV_MODULE <not set> PyTorch 2.0.1 @L:\projects\pythonlover\conda_projects\envs\detectron2gpu\lib\site-packages\torch PyTorch debug build False ...
copying detectron2\data\common.py -> build\lib.win-amd64-3.8\detectron2\data copying detectron2\data\dataset_mapper.py -> build\lib.win-amd64-3.8\detectron2\data copying detectron2\data\detection_utils.py -> build\lib.win-amd64-3.8\detectron2\data copying detectron2\data\__init__.py -...
在Windows 10上,如果在使用pip安装torchvision时出错,可能是由于环境配置或软件依赖的问题。以下是解决该问题的步骤: 确保已经安装了Python和pip,并且已经将它们添加到系统环境变量中。可以从Python官方网站下载并安装最新版本的Python,并确保选择安装pip。 打开命令提示符或PowerShell,并以管理员身份运行。这可以通过在开始...
解压后 cd detectron2-0.6(可以自己换名字) python setup.py build develop 如果编译报错RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension 不要修改cpp_extension, 找最初编译的错 如果出现 无法打开输入文件(can't open)vision.obj ,估计的环境的问题 ...
Im trying to get detectron2 up and running on my system, with Windows 10, VS 2019 (in package with 2015 and 2017), CUDA 10.1, Pytorch 1.3, Python 3.7. Im trying to build detectron2 via setup_py, and recieve the initial error mentioned: 1...
…ed-IO#129) * add environment.yml * instructions on how to install base package and detectron2 * added instructions on paddleocr * remove covers * install -> to install * specified the shell * updated example snippets * update environment.yml * updated the repo reference * no more ands!
Actually I noticed your environment is namedoneformer. Do you happen to be using detectron2? If yes, did you build that from source as well, or did you use wheels? smpark64commentedJun 23, 2023 I have the same issue on Windows. Do you have any update?