会报错:nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_4460") failed (5: Access is denied),即便是用管理员运行cmd权限也不够。 【解决办法】 1.下载pstools,解压后放入C:\Program Files目录下。 2.执行命令:C:\Program Files\PSTools\psexec.exe -s C:\Program Files\nginx\nginx.exe -p C:\Program ...
使用nginx -t; nginx -s reload 重新加载配置 得到错误"nginx: [error] OpenEvent("Global\ngx_reload_1868") failed (5: Access is denied)" 原因是 nginx 作为windows 服务在运行,安全性问题,不能执行 使用psexec 执行这段 "c:\pstools\psexec.exe" -s c:\nginx\nginx.exe -p c:\nginx -s reload...
有dos命令进如nginx的文件夹下 start nginx 启动nginx 在任务管理器中查看 nginx -s reload 重新加载配置文件使其生效 nginx -s stop 关闭 任务管理器中kill nginx -s quit 关闭 任务管理器中不kill 其他命令自己百度 补充: nginx一些常见问题: root和alias的对比区别: location /h2 { alias d:/newfiber/; ...
在Windows系统上,重启Nginx以重新加载配置文件(reload)的步骤如下: 1. 确认Nginx在Windows上的安装路径 首先,需要知道Nginx在Windows上的具体安装路径。这通常是一个文件夹,例如C: ginx或E:\server ginx-1.20.0等。 2. 打开命令提示符或PowerShell 按下Win+R键,打开“运行”对话框。 输入cmd(对于命令提示符)...
windowsnginx重启命令reload windows 重启 命令行 Windows 2k/2003 Server 1.最基本,最常用的,测试物理网络的 ping -t ,参数-t是等待用户去中断测试 2.查看DNS、IP、Mac等 A.Win98:winipcfg B.Win2000以上:Ipconfig/all C.NSLOOKUP:如查看河北的DNS...
There is no need to provide user credentials to Docker Desktop. File access rights are automatically enforced when accessing mounted folders through containers. To switch back to the Samba file system: From the Docker menu, select Settings > Command line, and then clear the Enable experimental fea...
Nginx: 为windows 版本添加了IOCP(支持多进程)网络事件模型 关于 OpenResty is a fast web app server by extending nginx. Nginx Openresty For Windows (NOW)is Nginx in windows Version with Openresty. it has some feature: high performance concurrent more than twenty thousand connections ...
nginx/fastcgi_temp/xxx/xxxx" failed (13: Permission denied) 延长phpmyadmin登录过期时间的方法 Ubuntu apt-get方法安装phpmyadmin memcache和memcached区别 Sql Server服务无法启动,错误代码10048 SQL Server没有监听1433端口 navicat sqlserver未发现数据源名称并且未指定默认驱动 Typecho后台有出现"Access denied" Could ...
It is working fine. Now i have to add a layer of Role-based Authorization to it. Can someone help me how can i proceed with that? I need to maintain roles in my application, need to provide screens for the user with admin role to be able to manage roles for other users. Please ...
一、下载nginx、nginx的rtmp模块 nginx下载地址:http://nginx.org/en/download.html下载完毕后解压到自定义目录 rtmp模块下载地址:https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module/ rtmp模块需下载到已经解压的nginx的目录,进入nginx的目录,#没有安装git客户端的话先安装git客户端,下载地址:https://git-scm.com/downlo...