Network sharing allows users to transfer and receive files with other users on a local network. It’s great for offices or people with multiple devices at home. But many users, after upgrading to Windows 11, reported that network discovery is not working. This could be due to several reasons...
How to Fix File Sharing over Windows Network not Working Allow Windows file sharing through Windows firewall settings. After that, check whether the required service for file sharing is turned on or not. Then restart your computer. Disable password-protected sharing and turn on the SMB 1.0 shari...
1 开始→运行→输入: gpedit.msc 回车打开组策略编辑器。2 组策略→计算机配置→管理模板 3 管理模板→Windows 组件 4 找到并双击打开:windows media player 5 双击打开:防止媒体共享 策略。6 选择禁用或未配置→确定 7 开始→运行→输入:services.msc 点击确定(或按回车键)打开服务。8 再找到Windows Media...
The next time you open Media Player you’ll be presented with the Media Player Plus settings window. Some of the settings will be enabled by default, such as theFind as you typefeature. 下次打开Media Player时,将显示Media Player Plus设置窗口。 默认情况下将启用某些设置,例如键入时查找功能。 Usi...
下面是解决“Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service无法打开”的步骤概述: 现在我们逐步来看每个步骤需要做什么,以及具体的代码和注释。 步骤一:打开“服务”窗口 首先,我们需要打开“服务”窗口,以便访问和管理Windows服务。可以按下"Win + R"键,然后输入"services.msc"打开"服务"窗口。
2、组策略→计算机配置→管理模板。3、管理模板→Windows 组件。4、找到并双击打开:windows media player。5、双击打开:防止媒体共享 策略。6、选择禁用或未配置→确定。7、然后开始→运行→输入:services.msc 点击确定(或按回车键)打开服务。8、然后再找到Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service...
我们在电脑上遇到Windows MediaPlayer Networ Sharing Service 无法启动的时候,该怎么办呢?今天就给大家介绍一下MediaPlayer Network Sharing Service启动不了的具体解决方法。1. 首先打开电脑,进入桌面,依次点击左下角的【开始】---【运行】选项,在打开的运行窗口中,输入“gpedit.msc”,点击确定或...
✅ Folder Sharing between Windows 10/11 not working:I'm sharing a folder on my Windows 10 PC, providing Full Access to Everyone on my network. From my Windows 11 PC, I can access the shared folder and...
If Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is not working or stopped working after a Windows computer reboot or Service restart, then see this post.
1、检查 SSDP Discovery 服务是否已经正常启动 2、检查 UPnP Device Host 服务是否已经正常启动 3、检查 Windows Search 服务是否已经正常启动 4、然后操作 Windows Media Player Network Sharing Service 服务是否可以正常启动 5、检查组策略中“计算机配置>管理模板>Windows组件>Windows Medis Player” 的 “阻止媒体共...