The Group Policy Object Editor (Gpedit.msc) provides access to the Windows Firewall settings. The settings are stored within the Group Policy Object Editor at Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/Network Connections/Windows Firewall....
當您嘗試變更您的 Windows 防火牆設定時,選項會呈現灰色,而且您無法進行任何變更。 若要修正此問題,請遵循下列步驟: 按一下 [開始] 按鈕,然後在搜尋方塊中輸入Windows 防火牆。 按一下 [ Windows 防火牆],然後按一下 [ 允許程式或功能透過 Windows 防火牆]。 按一下 [ 變更設定 ] 按鈕。 如果出現 [ 使用者...
The Group Policy Object Editor (Gpedit.msc) provides access to the Windows Firewall settings. The settings are stored within the Group Policy Object Editor at Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/Network Connections/Windows Firewall....
# 允许netsh advfirewall firewalladdrulename=xiaomu1dir=inaction=allowprotocol=tcplocalport=5000# 阻止netsh advfirewall firewalladdrulename=xiaomu1dir=inaction=blockprotocol=tcplocalport=5000 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 添加出站规则 # 允许netsh advfirewall firewalladdrulename=xiaomu1dir=outaction=allowprot...
有关Windows 防火墙的详细信息,请访问:有关用户帐户控制的详细信息,请访问:有关管理员帐户的详细信息,请访问:
The Group Policy Object Editor (Gpedit.msc) provides access to the Windows Firewall settings. The settings are stored within the Group Policy Object Editor at Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/Network Connections/Windows Firewall....
Set-NetFirewallRuleCmdlet 搭配-Enabled參數 Enable-NetFirewallRule或Disable-NetFirewallRuleCmdlet。 下列命令會在群組 [遠端存取]中啟用防火牆規則: PowerShell Enable-NetFirewallRule-DisplayGroup"Remote Access" 及 PowerShell Set-NetFirewallRule-Displa...
The Group Policy Object Editor (Gpedit.msc) provides access to the Windows Firewall settings. The settings are stored within the Group Policy Object Editor at Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/Network Connections/Windows Firewall....
运行Windows 防火墙的Configuration Manager中的客户端计算机通常需要配置例外以允许与其站点通信。 必须配置的异常取决于用于 Configuration Manager 客户端的管理功能。 使用以下部分来标识这些管理功能,并了解有关如何针对这些异常配置 Windows 防火墙的详细信息。
In Windows 10 and prior you would get the following screen when joining a ZeroTier network: Answering "Yes" would set the windows firewall as a "private" network and allow discovery, file sharing, etc. "No" sets the network to public cau...