當您嘗試變更您的 Windows 防火牆設定時,選項會呈現灰色,而且您無法進行任何變更。 若要修正此問題,請遵循下列步驟: 按一下 [開始] 按鈕,然後在搜尋方塊中輸入Windows 防火牆。 按一下 [ Windows 防火牆],然後按一下 [ 允許程式或功能透過 Windows 防火牆]。 按一下 [ 變更設定 ] 按鈕。 如果出現 [ 使用者...
The Group Policy Object Editor (Gpedit.msc) provides access to the Windows Firewall settings. The settings are stored within the Group Policy Object Editor at Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Network/Network Connections/Windows Firewall....
Set-NetFirewallRuleCmdlet 搭配-Enabled參數 Enable-NetFirewallRule或Disable-NetFirewallRuleCmdlet。 下列命令會在群組 [遠端存取]中啟用防火牆規則: PowerShell Enable-NetFirewallRule-DisplayGroup"Remote Access" 及 PowerShell Set-NetFirewallRule-Displa...
執行Windows 防火牆Configuration Manager中的用戶端電腦通常會要求您設定例外狀況,以允許與其網站通訊。 您必須設定的例外狀況取決於您與Configuration Manager用戶端搭配使用的管理功能。 使用下列各節來識別這些管理功能,以及有關如何針對這些例外狀況設定 Windows 防火牆的詳細資訊。
Some features of the Duet software require network access to work properly. Learn how to change the firewall settings in Windows 10 to allow the Duet app to have network access here!
Computers running Windows XP with SP2 implement both the Prohibit use of Internet Connection Firewall on your DNS domain network setting and the new Windows Firewall settings in the following way:If the Prohibit use of Internet Connection Firewall on your DNS domain network setting is enabled and...
有关Windows 防火墙的详细信息,请访问:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/features/windows-firewall有关用户帐户控制的详细信息,请访问:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/What-is-User-Account-Control有关管理员帐户的详细信息,请访问:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows...
防火墙(英语:Firewall)技术是通过有机结合各类用于安全管理与筛选的软件和硬件设备,帮助计算机网络于其内、外网之间构建一道相对隔绝的保护屏障,以保护用户资料与信息安全性的一种技术。 1.1 防火墙概述 所谓“防火墙”是指一种将内部网和公众访问网(如Internet)分开的方法,它实际上是一种建立在现代通信网络技术和信息...
In Windows 10 and prior you would get the following screen when joining a ZeroTier network: Answering "Yes" would set the windows firewall as a "private" network and allow discovery, file sharing, etc. "No" sets the network to public cau...
Restoring the default settings might also cause Internet Connection Sharing and Network Bridge to stop working correctly.Note If you used a Netfw.inf file to automate the configuration of Windows Firewall settings, the settings that you specified in Netfw.inf are reapplied to the computer when...