存储空间警告——本文所有软件均只能安装在C盘众所周知,win10 mobile已经没了大多数人却可能连win10 mobile都没用过不过还是可以用模拟器体验的——️注意!!:系统地区必须先更改为美国或香港地区,方法自行查找或问我首先,打开链接:https://www.microsoft.com/store/
Simulate real-world interaction with a device and test the features of your app by using the tools included with Microsoft Emulator for Windows 10 Mobile. The emulator is a desktop application that emulates a mobile device running Windows 10. It provides a virtualized environment in which you ...
Microsoft Emulator is a desktop application that emulates a Windows 10 Mobile device when used in conjunction with Visual Studio 2015. It provides a virtualized environment in which you can debug and test universal windows apps without a physical device.
windows 10 mobile模拟器(microsoft emulator)是微软官方针对win10移动版而开发的一款手机系统模拟器,该模拟器允许用户在Windows电脑(Win8/8.1 64位以上)中进行测试,用户可以实现一些操作模拟,比如拨打电话、查看相册、发送短消息,查找地图,从Windows商店下载应用等。该模拟器大小仅1.07MB,打开后提示需要4GB空间用于安装系...
value='' selected='selected'>Select editionWindows Mobile Emulator Insider Preview - Build 15240",...
这样Emulator就可以进行网络通信程序的测试和访问internet系统。 上述为方法一,另外有方法二,由ocean同学提供 “有个更简单的方法,通过activesync或者windows mobile device center, 连接方式选择DMA,然后在设备管理器那个模拟器上点击右键,选择cradle,然后模拟器就和activesync连接上了,这样就可以直接通过activesync使用本机的...
下面的步骤我在Windows mobile 6.5 Professional, Windows mobile 6 Classic和Professional,Windows mobile 5.0 Pocket PC和Pocket PC 2003上都试验成功! 步骤如下: 1.打开ActiveSync,进入“文件–连接设置”: -1.选择“允许USB连接” -2.选择“允许连接到以下其中一个端口”,在下拉框中选择“DMA” ...
Simulate real-world interaction with a device and test the features of your app by using the tools included with Microsoft Emulator for Windows 10 Mobile. The emulator is a desktop application that emulates a mobile device running Windows 10. It provides a virtualized environment in which you ca...
(原标题:Windows 10 Mobile build 14383 Emulator下载链接曝光) 摘要:在面向Windows Insider项目的Fast通道用户发布Build 14379之后,微软即将发布的下个版本可能是Build 14383。根据WalkingCat分享的推文,版本号为14383的Windows 10 Mobile Emulator软件的下载链接曝光。 下载:Windows 10 Mobile Emulator Build 14383 Window...
开发Smartphone需安装Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone SDK Mobile 5.0环境配置: 1. 模拟器与Microsoft ActiveSync同步: A.启动VS2005,在Tools->Device Emulator Manager,选择一个需要启动的模拟器,双击或者按右键,选择“Connect”,即启动模拟器。 B. 当模拟器启动后,在Device Emulator Manager中,右键该设备,选择“Cradle...