iMindMap is packed full of powerful features to inspire creative thinking and get you where you need to be quicker. In any of iMindMap’s five views, you can style your creations with flexible design options, add additional information in the form of attachments, export Mind Maps to other f...
修复文件或文件夹名中的特殊字符导致客户端崩溃的bug 修复自动升级后Toast通知和部分LightApp图标缺失的问题 修复某些情况下右键-新建-坚果云思维导图后,文件无法打开的bug 2020年3月5日更新(WPF5.1.7) 已知问题修复与细节优化 2020年2月24日更新(WPF5.1.6) LightApp 集成坚果云MindMap 客户端网络代理设置支持输入...
跟XMind一样,亿图脑图也提供了丰富的组件元素,足以让小白也能做出颜值非常能打的思维导图。 2、iMindMap iMindMap是思维导图创始人东尼·博赞开发的产品。它的特点是线条自由,贯彻了东尼·博赞的思想,所以主要以手绘功能为主。它结合独特的自由形态头脑风暴视图模式和系统的思维导图视图模式,特别适用于头脑风暴、策划...
Xmind: Mind Map - Is it safe to download? Yes. The app is 100 percent (100%) safe to download and Install. Our download links are from safe sources and are frequently virus scanned to protect you Software Reviews and Criticism By fakjjsdh gd app but some bugs really bother people gr...
在一圈繁琐的试用对比之后,我用上了这款 Simple mind map 免费还强大的思维导图工具。 具体我们来安装体验下: SimpleMindMap是一款免费开源的思维导图工具,由国人开发,中文名为思绪思维导图,第一个版本发布于2023年5月,目前已经维护超一年半。 作者提供了Windows、MacOS、Linux等平台的客户端,适用平台还是比较广泛...
桌面版脑图 (百度脑图离线版,思维导图) 跨平台支持 Windows/Linux/Mac OS. (A cross-platform multilingual Mind Map Tool) - hijulian/DesktopNaotu
Basic functions of Baidu Mind Mapping Operation of local km files Support dragging open km files Support association to open km files Support for automatic saving ProvideBaidu Mind MappingFile Download Method ProvideProcessOnMind Map Download Method ...
📘 Simple and secure journal app journal diary electron-app mac-app linux-app windows-app diary-application Updated Jul 11, 2021 TypeScript juzzlin / Heimer Star 894 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map, diagram, and note-taking tool written...
This application is in development, so please keep in mind that there could be errors and we are not liable for any error or misusing. Remember to backup all your files before using this app. Feel free to use it.Any trademark is owned solely to the owner’s company. ...
bitmap = LoadBitmap("/MemoryLeak;component/Images/tulip.jpg"); And the LoadBitmap method, which loads the resource: XML Copy private BitmapImage LoadBitmap(string urlString) { var streaminfo = App.GetResourceStream(new Uri(urlString, UriKind.Relative)); BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImag...