WindowsMediaPlayer歌词同步显示插件删除图解 1打开金山毒霸的 【软件管家】工具 2点击软件管家【卸载】页面 3选择软件,点击【卸载】或 【闪电卸载】,即可 4打开【金山毒霸】首页点击 【垃圾清理】扫描软件卸载 残留 5点击一键清理,等待清理完毕 即可完成软件残留清理 ...
有用户反馈:自己win10系统电脑安装了Windows Media Player通用解码包,使用系统卸载后,无法确定Windows Media Player通用解码包是否依然存在残留文件,想了解是否有更方便简单的方法,能确保Windows Media Player通用解码包可以彻底卸载清除,由于担心如果存在卸载不了或者卸载有残留的话,会占电脑内存,影响电脑性能。 金山毒霸...
You can disable or uninstall Windows Media Player in Windows 10 if you are using some other app to play your audio and video files. Many users have already switched to advanced open source apps like VLC and SMPlayer, so they have no use for the good old WMP. Even Microsoft no longer ... Note: Since the websites are not hosted by Microsoft, the links may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thanks, Jenny Please remember to mark the...
Windows 10 Media Player Windows 10 Microsoft Photos App Not Printing JPG, PNG windows 10 N LTSC 1809 upgrade to 1903 Windows 10 new user first time login too slow for general use/lab computers windows 10 no advanced-startup-options Windows 10 No Shadow Copy Tab Windows 10 not compatible wit...
按钮,然后根据向导点击“确定”,之后会要求重新启动才能完成卸载且回滚到9.0版本。方法二:单击“开始”→“运行”,在运行框中输入“"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\Setup_wm.exe" /Uninstall”(不含最外层的引号),单击“确定”后也会弹出回滚对话框,重启后可完成对WMP10的卸载。
卸载Windowsmediaplayer11 在运行里输入:C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallWMFDist11$\spuninst\spuninst.exe 执行结束后,再输入 C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallwmp11$\spuninst\spuninst.exe 重启计算机后,Windowsmediaplayer11就会被完全卸载了.需要注意的是先后顺序不要搞错了.卸载Windowsmediaplayer10 rundll32.exeadvpack.dll,Launch...
UninstallWindowsRE - Windows 10 hardware dev EnableWEPDiscovery - Windows 10 hardware dev StartPrepinnedTileSize - Windows 10 hardware dev StartPrepinnedTileSize - Windows 10 hardware dev StartPrepinnedTileSize - Windows 10 hardware dev ShowLongTones - Windows 10 hardware dev StartPrepinnedMSAppID ...
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