@echooffecho设置定时播放...echo.REM 设置定时播放时间(24小时制,例如 13:30)schtasks /create /tn "定时播放" /tr "\"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe\" \"C:\Path\To\Your\Media\File.mp3\"" /sc once /st13:30echo定时播放已设置。echo.echo设置关闭播放器...echo.REM 设置...
WMPLib.IWMPPlaylistArray playlistArray; WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist playlist; if(player ==null) { player =newAxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer(); Controls.Add(player); player.Name =newGuid().ToString(); player.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left; play...
By default, Media Library contains several auto playlists, that are included by this component.By using playlists and auto playlists, you can group various digital media files together and specify the order you want the files to play in. For example, you can create a playlist that includes ...
TheSystem.Stringthat is the URL of the Windows Media metafile playlist that is used to initialize the new playlist. Return value A WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist interface that represents the newly created playlist. Remarks If thebstrURLparameter is a null or zero-length string (""), this method ...
在框架或者对话框的初始函数中,调用类的CreateDispatch函数 1.4 WMP支持格式 本文列出 Microsoft Windows Media Player 12 支持的多媒体文件类型。 如果在 Windows 中安装新的编解码器,则可能支持其他文件格式。 Windows Media Player 支持的文件类型: Windows Media 格式(.asf、.wma、.wmv、.wm) ...
The object model for the Windows Media Player control is basically the same in the .NET Framework as in unmanaged code and script. However, there are differences in how elements are exposed:Most objects are exposed under the name of their underlying COM interface. For example, t...
privatevoidLoadEmbeddedAppFile(){try{ Uri pathUri =newUri("ms-appx:///Videos/video1.mp4"); mediaPlayerElement.Source = MediaSource.CreateFromUri(pathUri); } catch (Exception ex) {if(exisFormatException) {// handle exception.// For example: Log error or notify user problem with file} }...
If the IWMPSettings.autoStart property (also accessed via AxWindowsMediaPlayer.settings.autoStart) is true, playback begins automatically whenever you set currentPlaylist.This property takes an IWMPPlaylist interface, which can be acquired in several ways, such as by getting the value from the I...
Device Extensions for Playlist Object Preferences Device I/O Control Codes Custom Image Support for Devices Glossary Key Points in the Windows Media Player SDK 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件
If the IWMPSettings.autoStart property (also accessed via AxWindowsMediaPlayer.settings.autoStart) is true, playback begins automatically whenever you setcurrentPlaylist. This property takes an IWMPPlaylist interface, which can be acquired in several ways, such as by getting the value from theIWMP...