它已被 MediaPlayer 取代。 MediaPlayer 已针对Windows 10和Windows 11进行了优化。 如果可能,Microsoft 强烈建议新代码使用 MediaPlayer 而不是 Windows 媒体播放器 SDK。 如果可能,Microsoft 建议重写使用旧 API 的现有代码以使用新 API。] CdromBurnMediaError 事件在将单个媒体项刻录到 CD 时发生错误时发生。
當將個別媒體專案還原至 CD 時發生錯誤時,就會發生 CdromMediaError 事件。syntax 複製 [C#] private void player_CdromBurnMediaError( object sender, _WMPOCXEvents_CdromBurnMediaErrorEvent e ) [Visual Basic] Private Sub player_CdromBurnMediaError( sender As Object, e As _WMPOCXEvents_Cdrom...
Windows Media Player cannot play, burn, rip, or sync the file because a required audio codec is not installed on your computer.A codec is required to play this file. To determine if this codec is available to download from the Web, click Web Help....
AxWindowsMediaPlayer.AudioLanguageChange Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.Buffering Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.CdromBurnError Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.CdromBurnMediaError Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.CdromBurnStateChange Event (VB and C#) ...
For our first method, we’re going to be jumping straight into how you can burn a CD with the Windows Media Player. As you probably know, it’s built-into Windows OS computers — so you won’t have to go out of your way of installing it. What you do have to do is import the ...
AxWindowsMediaPlayer.CdromBurnError Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.CdromBurnMediaError Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.CdromBurnStateChange Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.cdromCollection (VB and C#) AxWindowsMediaPlayer.CdromMediaChange Event (VB and C#) AxWindowsMedia...
back, try several different audio CDs. If the problem CD is a CD-R or a CD-RW that was burned (to burn a CD means to create it by using a CD recorder), try to play a retail audio CD. The burned CD may not be fully compatible with your CD-ROM drive or m...
cdromCollectionGets anIWMPCdromCollectioninterface. closedCaptionGets an IWMPClosedCaption interface. CtlcontrolsGets an IWMPControls interface. CtlenabledGets or sets a value indicating whether the Windows Media Player control is enabled. currentMediaGets or sets the IWMPMedia interface that corresponds...
back, try several different audio CDs. If the problem CD is a CD-R or a CD-RW that was burned (to burn a CD means to create it by using a CD recorder), try to play a retail audio CD. The burned CD may not be fully compatible with your CD-ROM drive or ...
Step 1:Insert a blank CD or DVD into your CD/ DVD drive. Make sure the drive is either CD-RW or DVD-RW. The 'W' stands for writeable, and is necessary to burn information to the disc. Step 2:Open Windows Media Player and click on the "Burn" tab located in the right pan...