Windows 10 N editions include the same functionality as Windows 10, except that these versions of Windows do not include Windows Media Player, and related technologies. End-user customers can enable the media functionality to work properly by installing the Media Feature Pack for N versions of Win...
To break this limitation, Microsoft offers Media Feature Pack for Windows 11 and 10 N & KN. This package includes media-related technologies like certain pre-installed media apps – Movies & TV, Groove Music, Voice Recorder, and Skype, as well as Windows Media Player. So, how to install M...
This Media Feature Pack applies to Windows 10 version 1607. If you have a different version of Windows, please go toKB 3145500to find the appropriate Media Feature Pack for your version of Windows. Introduction The "N" editions of Windows 10 include the same ...
Once you have installed the Media Feature Pack, it will bring the missing classic and modern software from the Microsoft Store to your Windows 11 device. In addition to them, you can manually install the following extra software to enhance your multimedia experience in Windows 11. They all will...
and FrontPage—rely, to varying extents, on Windows Media−related files that aren't incorporated into the K and KN editions of Windows. End-users can make these websites and software work correcctly by installing the Windows Media Feature Pack for N and KN editions of Windows 8 (KB270376...
Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 3、选择语言 语言选择就很多了,很多国家的都有,当然少不了“简体中文” 4、确认 确认版本和语言之后,微软官网就会准备创建下载链接,对于Windows 8.1,可以选择32位或64位的系统安装镜像,当然,按照惯例,下载链接有效期24小时。 5...
Microsoft has made available Media Feature Pack for N Editions of Windows 10 version 1903. The "N" edition is targeted for Europe, and "KN" for Korea.
1 许多Windows 10用户报告媒体播放器是持续更新问题的罪魁祸首。因此,尝试以这种方式修复0x800f081e Windows 10 April 2018更新错误:按Windows键+ I打开“设置”。注意应用和功能并打开管理可选功能部分。找到Media Feature Pack或WFP,单击它,然后选择卸载。2 然后返回“设置”页面并打开“更新和安全性”部分。单...
windows media在程序和功能的启用或者关闭Windows功能中。打开方法:右击开始菜单,弹出菜单选择“程序和功能”。点击窗口右边的“启用或关闭Windows功能”。在列表中找到“媒体功能”,点击+号展开就可以看到Windows Media Player 点击取消选中,点击确定即可。Windows 7,中文名称视窗7,是由微软公司(Microsoft...
The Media Feature Pack for N and KN versions of Windows 8.1 will install Media Player and related technologies on a computer running Windows 8.1 N or Windows 8.1 KN editions. For further information, please see and query the Knowledge Base for the article number ...